Taglia la melanzana 8 volte e poi aprila così. Ecco 2 ricette di verdure ripiene davvero squisite!

Finalmente è arrivata la stagione di zucchine e melanzane, le #verdure estive preferite dagli italiani! Oggi vi proponiamo due fantastiche ricette creative con queste regine indiscusse della cucina italiana: dei simpatici fagottini di #zucchine ripiene di pesto rosso e mozzarelline in tempura e spiedini di #melanzane ripiene di carne macinata, formaggio filante e salsa di pomodoro. Da leccarsi i baffi!

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➡️ RICETTA: https://www.degustibus.co/ricette-creative-verdure-ripiene/
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Porzioni: 3
Preparazione: 15 minuti
Cottura: 25 minuti
Tempo totale: 40 minuti
Difficoltà: facile

1. Fagottini di zucchine ripiene in tempura

Cosa vi serve:

1 zucchina
5 cc di pesto rosso
5 mozzarelline
Erba cipollina

Per la tempura:

120 ml di acqua fredda
1 uovo
100 g di farina di frumento
100 g di maizena
1/2 cc di sale

Come procedere

1.1 Tagliate le zucchine a fette molto sottili. Posizionate due zucchine perpendicolarmente a forma di croce.

1.2 Mettete al centro delle due fette di zucchina un po’ di pesto rosso e una mozzarellina.

1.3 Chiudete le due fette du zucchina formando un fagottino, poi usate l’erba cipollina per chiuderlo. Ripetete il procedimento per preparare altri fagottini ripieni.

1.4 In una ciotola mescolate farina, uovo, maizena, acqua e sale. Immergete i fagottini di zucchine ripiene nella tempura e friggeteli in olio bollente.

2. Spiedini di melanzane ripiene

Cosa vi serve:

1 melanzana
300 g di carne macinata
1 cipolla
1 uovo
2 spicchi d’aglio
1 CC di pangrattato
Sale e pepe
500 ml di salsa di pomodoro
150 g di pomodori
3 peperoni
2 spiedini

Come procedere:

2.1 Tagliate la melanzana a fette con uno spessore di 4 cm, poi incidete le melanzane con 4 tagli.

2.2 Capovolgete la melanzana e incidetela con altri 4 tagli, poi mettete le fette in acqua salata. Infine immergete le fette brevemente in acqua salata.

2.3 Unite carne macinata, cipolla, uova, paprica, pangrattato, timo, aglio e mescolate. Inserite il ripieno tra i tagli della melanzana su entrambi i lati.

2.4 Infilate gli spiedini di legno nelle fette di melanzane ripiene e fate cuocere in padella nell’olio.

2.5 Mettete gli spiedini di melanzane ripiene in una teglia, versate la salsa di pomodoro, aggiungete i peperoni in teglia, il pomodoro fresco e una spolverata di formaggio. Fate cuocere in forno ventilato a 180 °C per 20 minuti.

Due ricette davvero originali con le verdure estive più amate! E voi, tra i fagottini di zucchine ripiene di pesto rosso in tempura e gli spiedini di melanzane ripiene di carne macinata, quale preferite?

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Orata croccante in padella con crema all’origano | Findus

Cosa c’è di meglio dell’orata in padella per gustare tutto il sapore delicato di questo pesce in modo veloce e alla portata di tutti? Prova a preparare quindi insieme a noi i Fiori di Orata Capitan Findus, cucinati in padella con pelle croccante e arricchiti con una crema di origano che incanterà tutti a tavola.

Sapevi inoltre che i Fiori di Orata Capitan Findus sono allevati senza utilizzare antibiotici né OGM e nel pieno rispetto dei principi ASC per l’acquacoltura responsabile e che la carta del packaging proviene da fonti gestite in maniera responsabile? Scopri di più sulla nostra sezione Impegno Sostenibile: https://bit.ly/3gNdsov

Segui in tutti i dettagli la videoricetta anche sul nostro sito, potrai trovare la lista completa degli ingredienti e tutti gli step di preparazione sempre a portata di mano: https://bit.ly/3kF6Dc3

18 Riddles Stumped Me but You’ll Crack Them Easy

Looking for challenging riddles? 🤩 Here’s the right place! These 18 riddles with answers will bring your inner Sherlock to life. Boost your brain work and pump up your smarts! Don’t hesitate to pause the video if you need a little more time to think. Pay attention to all the details – they might be the crucial clues that’ll lead you to the solution. Ready, riddles, go! 😎

#brightside #riddles #puzzles

Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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29 Secrets of Things You Use Often

We’re so used to seeing certain everyday things that we stop paying attention to so many details! Very often the most ingenious ideas are hidden behind unremarkable features. For example, those toilet seat covers – are you sure you use them right? Check yourself with the help go this video. Here’re 29 secrets of common objects you’ve been using wrong the whole time!

#brightside #lifehacks #hiddenpurpose

Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

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What If Your Tongue Were Twice as Long?

From the tip of the tongue to the base of your mouth, the average tongue varies from 7.9 cm (3.1 in) to 8.5 cm (3.3 in) long. So if your tongue were twice as long, it would measure over 17 cm (7 in). While some people might create a novelty act out of this muscle, no one outside the animal kingdom has ever experienced the burden of a tongue this long. How would you speak? What would happen to your sense of taste? And could you ever sleep again?

Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-your-tongue-were-twice-as-long/

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What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.

Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.com

#WhatIf #Tongue #GerkeryBlanco #TasteBuds #SensoryOverload

15 Coolest Gadgets for Men That Are Worth Seeing

🔥 Coolest gadgets every man will appreciate 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH5ptjv_YgM&list=PLcKKBaMxWFyALg9mgoCJT6BWFPhKZo5UP&index=1&pp=gAQBiAQB
So it’s another set of gadgets for men we’ve found all around the Web! Today we’ll show you a couple of minimalist yet functional accessories, something useful for the repair work, and something Marvel fans will definitely appreciate.

0:00 Introduction
0:18 Atowak Windows Pro watch: https://geni.us/AtowakWindowsPro
1:29 Atowak Ettore Drift watch: https://bit.ly/3vjYf5C
2:28 Dango Pen Wallet: https://bit.ly/3eJc05e
3:21 BevBuckle: https://geni.us/BevBuckle
3:58 Gerber Gear Keychain Knife: https://geni.us/CompactKeychainKnife
4:23 Combat Beads Pry Bar: https://bit.ly/3imYwht
4:58 Klecker Axe Head: https://geni.us/LumberjackKnives
5:38 Gravity Hook: https://geni.us/SmallGravityHook
6:15 Tactical Belt: https://geni.us/TacticalBelt
6:55 Stainless Steel Crampons: https://geni.us/SteelHikingCrampons || https://geni.us/FootwearTraction || https://geni.us/CramponShoes
7:43 Gerber Gear Mutitool: https://geni.us/ArmbarDriveMultitool
8:19 Bush Hammer Tool: https://geni.us/BushHammer || https://geni.us/BushHammerTool
8:58 EOS Titanium Wallets: https://geni.us/CardHolderWallet || https://geni.us/EOSWallet3
9:37 Tool Ring: https://bit.ly/3kwgGQw
10:17 Captain America Start Button: https://geni.us/CarOneButton

🔥 More hot gadgets below 👇
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When you click on links to various merchants on this channel and make a purchase, this can result in this channel earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.

On the #YouFact #Tech channel, we speak about cool #gadgets for #MEN, and your room, home, pc and car that you can buy on #Amazon. We find the most interesting #accessories and #coolthings for you and show them three times a week on our channel.

Un Anno Canino Non Equivale A 7 Anni Umani E Altre 14 Verità

Se sei un amante dei cani, probabilmente hai sentito numerosi leggende su di loro. Per esempio, l’idea che i cani siano daltonici o che siano tutti ottimi nuotatori. O per esempio riguardo l’età dei cani. Molte persone credono che per convertire l’età dei cani in anni “umani”, si debba seguire questa regola: un anno per il tuo cane equivale a sette anni umani. Tuttavia, non è esatto. Impariamo a contarli correttamente e a sfatare alcuni dei miti più comuni sui cani! 🐶

#latopositivo #leggende #etàdeicani

Animazione creata da Il Lato Positivo
Musica di Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Materiali usato (foto, filmati e altro):




Iscriviti a “Il Lato Positivo”: https://goo.gl/LRxYHU

20 Coolest Gadgets That Are Worth Seeing

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🔥 Coolest gadgets you can actually buy 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPKsyAPoaBA&list=PLcKKBaMxWFyB5S-HxPJLyaE5ltkPzI3pE&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB

0:00 Introduction
0:17 Trio Max Dual Laptop Display: https://bit.ly/36l3XYA
2:07 Atlas VPN: https://atlasv.pn/YouFactTech
3:23 Folding E-Bike: https://geni.us/FoldingEBike (alternative) || https://bit.ly/35w39U2
4:17 Nostalgic Table Clock: https://bit.ly/2SxzT8I
4:45 PowerDolphin Underwater Drone: https://geni.us/PowerDolphinDrone
5:43 Wow-Sound Speakers: https://geni.us/Waterproof_Speaker || https://geni.us/ShockproofSoundSpeaker
6:27 Floating Poop Thermometer: https://geni.us/FloatingPoopPoolTherm
6:55 Bluvy Smart Shower Mirror: https://bit.ly/3uq4zWv
7:46 Govee Smart Table Lamp: https://geni.us/SmartLEDBedsideLamp
8:29 Intelligent Steak Thermometer: https://geni.us/SteakThermometer
9:10 Unbreakable Sledge Hammer: https://geni.us/SledgeHammer
9:48 GoFish Wireless Underwater Fishing Camera: https://geni.us/GoFishCamera
10:35 FishSpy Camera & Fishspy Echo Pro: https://bit.ly/3hmFubV
11:15 Hourglass Puzzle: https://geni.us/BrainTeaserPuzzle
11:33 Cast Spiral Puzzle: https://geni.us/CastMetalPuzzle
11:46 Cast Cylinder Puzzle: https://geni.us/HanayamaMetalPuzzle
11:55 Cast Dial Puzzle: https://geni.us/DIALMetalPuzzle
12:06 Cast Hexagon Puzzle: https://geni.us/HanayamaHexagon
12:20 Magcon Drawing Tool: https://geni.us/DrawingDesignTool
12:43 Exlicon Design Tool: https://bit.ly/3ywlCJ8
13:18 Matador Mini Pocket Blanket: https://geni.us/Wvea

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When you click on links to various merchants on this channel and make a purchase, this can result in this channel earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.

On the #YouFact #Tech channel, we speak about cool #gadgets for your room, home, pc and car that you can buy on #Amazon #online. We find the most interesting #accessories and #coolthings for you and show them three times a week on our channel.

Chapli Kabab With Matar Pulao Recipe By SooperChef

Looking for some special weekend meal recipe? We bring you an unbeatable duo of juiciest Chapli Kabab with aromatic Matar Pulao. This combo becomes irresistible when served with Coca-Cola.
Visit www.SooperChef.pk/Coca-Cola and catch the best weekend meal recipes with Coca-Cola.
#CocaColaKhulayTouDilKhulay #CokeAndMeals #WeekendSpecialMeals #ChapliKabab #MatarPulao #SooperChef

Ingredients for Chapli Kabab:
Beef mince 1 kg
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder 1/2 tbsp
Red chili flakes 1 tbsp
Turmeric powder 1 tsp
Cumin powder 1/2 tbsp
Carom seeds 1 tsp
Coriander (crushed) 2 tbsp
Onion (squeezed) 1 ½ cup
Tomatoes (Chopped) 1 cup
Green chilies (chopped) 2 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 ½ tbsp
Pomegranate seeds 2 tbsp
Green coriander (chopped) 1/2 cup
Egg 1
Gram flour 2 tbsp
Oil (for frying) as required

Ingredients for Matar Pulao:
Oil 1/2 cup
Onion (sliced) 2 cups
Cumin seeds 1 tsp
Black peppercorns 1/2 tsp
Cloves 1/2 tsp
Cinnamon stick (1) small
Tomatoes (sliced) 1 cup
Green chilies (finely chopped) 1 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Red chili flakes 1/2 tbsp
Coriander crushed 1 tsp
Peas 1 ½ cup
Water 3 cups
Rice 2 cups
Green coriander (Chopped) as required

Directions for Chapli Kabab Preparation:
1. In a bowl add mince, tomatoes, onion, green coriander, green chilies, ginger garlic paste, egg, gram flour, coriander seeds, pomegranate seeds, red chili flakes, turmeric, cumin powder, carom seeds, black pepper powder, salt and mix well.
2. Let it rest for 3-4 hours in refrigerator.
3. Grease your hands with oil and make thin circles from marinated mince.
4. Heat oil in a pan and shallow fry your chapli kabab from each side for 2-3 minutes on medium flame. Set aside.
Directions for Matar Pulao Preparation:
5. Heat oil in a pot and fry onion until light golden brown. Now add cumin seeds, peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon and cook for 2 minutes.
6. Add ginger garlic paste, green chili paste and cook for another minute. Now add tomatoes and cook until tomatoes are soft.
7. Add salt, red chili flakes, coriander powder and cook until oil separates.
8. Add peas and cook for 5-7 minutes.
9. Add water and bring it to boil. Once water starts boiling, add rice and cook until 80% water has evaporated.
10. Cover with lid and steam for 10-15 minutes. Your matar pulao is ready, serve with Chapli Kabab
Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 40 mins
Serving: 5-6

16 Riddles I Couldn’t Solve Without Help

Do you think you’re observant enough to solve these riddles? Here’s a set of detective riddles with answers to test your attentiveness and bring your inner detective to life. Have you always wondered how to become Sherlock Holmes? Each of the riddles is full of clues, puzzles, challenges and what not. Pay attention, turn your brain power to the maximum and you’ll get them right! 🕵🏻‍♂️

#brightside #riddles #puzzles

Animation is created by Bright Side.
Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
Our Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brightside/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brightgram/
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: https://www.goo.gl/8JVmuC

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17 Coolest Gadgets That Are Worth Seeing

🔥 Coolest gadgets you can actually buy 👉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPKsyAPoaBA&list=PLcKKBaMxWFyB5S-HxPJLyaE5ltkPzI3pE&index=3&pp=gAQBiAQB
It’s high time to see some cool gadgets we’ve found for you! So today you’ll see a ring and even a bullet that might save your life, and a capsule that’ll keep your precious belongings dry. There’s also a couple of knives and bottle openers on the list. And last but not least, we’ve got something cool for those who’re into fishing!

🔥 More hot gadgets below 👇
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youfacttech
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@youfactech

0:00 Introduction
0:22 Tribit Home Speaker: https://geni.us/TribitHomeSpeaker
Official Website: https://bit.ly/3hdpQ2j
2:00 Electric Shocker Ring: https://geni.us/TaserRing
2:30 Camping Stove: https://geni.us/Camping_Stove
3:12 Rodless Reel: https://bit.ly/3dz3tCr https://bit.ly/3jweXKJ
4:15 Tactical Waterproof Capsule: https://geni.us/Survival_Container
4:47 Foldable Bike Helmet: https://geni.us/Bike_Helmet
5:28 Multi-Panel LED Lantern: https://geni.us/Multi-PanelLantern
6:15 Tumbler Handle: https://geni.us/GlowFlashlight
6:53 Capulator Bottle Opener: https://bit.ly/366sSz5 https://bit.ly/2SHwO6p
7:18 Spark Plug Bottle Opener: https://bit.ly/2UTVZmN
7:32 Golf Ball Bottle Opener: https://bit.ly/3qJSKui
7:52 Baseball Bottle Opener: https://bit.ly/3huXrni
8:03 Hockey Puck Bottle Opener: https://bit.ly/3qE8FtU
8:13 Wireless Charger: https://geni.us/TravelWirelessCharger
8:53 WYN Bullet: https://bit.ly/3hbaOdn https://bit.ly/3jAlZxS
9:37 Tactical Knife: https://geni.us/GunTacticalKnife
9:54 Folding Pocket Knife: https://geni.us/PistolKnife (alternative) || https://bit.ly/3jDy2um

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When you click on links to various merchants on this channel and make a purchase, this can result in this channel earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network.

On the #YouFact #Tech channel, we speak about cool #gadgets for your room, home, pc and car that you can buy on #Amazon #online. We find the most interesting #accessories and #coolthings for you and show them three times a week on our channel.