Nuovo ePub. “Storia degli Italiani, Tomo X” di Cesare Cantù

Grazie ai volontari del Progetto Griffo è online (disponibile per il download gratuito) l’ePub: Storia degli Italiani, Tomo X di Cesare Cantù. Il X Tomo della Storia degli Italiani di Cantù, che comprende i capitoli dal CXL al CXLVIII ed il periodo storico dalla metà del XV alla metà del XVI secolo, è nella prima • Read More »

Beethoven. “Sinfonia n° 3”

La Sinfonia n. 3 in mi bemolle maggiore Op. 55 fu composta da Ludwig van Beethoven fra il 1802 e il 1804. Fu eseguita privatamente per la prima volta il 9 giugno 1804 e pubblicamente il 7 aprile 1805 sotto la direzione del compositore. Questa composizione riveste, secondo il parere unanime di critici e musicologi, un ruolo decisivo non solo nella storia della sinfonia stessa, stravolgendone • Read More »

“Hungarischer Tanz n° 20” di Johannes Brahms

Le Danze ungheresi per pianoforte a quattro mani sono state scritte da Johannes Brahms agli inizi della sua carriera musicale (1852). Nella partitura originale le danze venivano qualificate come ungheresi perché in quel tempo il folclore magiaro era del tutto sconosciuto e confuso con la musica zigana che quel popolo nomade aveva diffuso. Le danze ungheresi sono infatti impregnate del ritmo e delle melodie zigane affrancate dal virtuosismo • Read More »

“L’osteria” di Silvio D’Arzo

Come in altre opere di D’Arzo, non succede praticamente nulla in questo romanzo, ambientato forse in una Mitteleuropa ottocentesca, ma è un nulla di grande densità e spessore, ricco di meraviglia e di incanto: è un oscillare continuo tra l’essenzialità delle cose e delle persone e il loro aspetto fantastico. Clicca sotto per leggere la • Read More »

“Viaggi in casa” di Xavier de Maistre

Ecco un’altra traduzione delle due opere, qui riunite in un unico volume, di Xavier De Maistre nelle quali l’autore condivide con lettrici e lettori le sue riflessioni anche ironiche sugli effetti dell’isolamento e della solitudine. Clicca sotto per leggere la sinossi a cura di Claudia Pantanetti, Libera Biblioteca PG Terzi APS. Dall’incipit del libro: Oh, • Read More »

Global awareness of women’s health

*Global awareness of women’s health being “hijacked by vested interests”* to sell quackery. Rampant unrestrained capitalism does that in every area. Society needs a framework that doesn’t elevate profit above all else. Post Views: 6

Small US farms having trouble

Small farms in the US are having trouble, while large farms are bringing high profits. Congress is proposing to increase subsidies that are independent of size. That won’t address the problem. Post Views: 3

Urgent: Reject proposal to label fentanyl as “chemical weapon”

US citizens: call on Congress to reject the proposal to label fentanyl dishonestly as a “chemical weapon” and charge people with “terrorism” for possession of it. Laws must not lie. The illegal fentanyl trade has harmful effects — the usual effects of black-market sale of drugs. Some of the people who buy fentanyl on the • Read More »

Tunnels under UNRWA’s main office in Gaza

The Israeli army showed reporters extensive tunnels under the UNRWA’s main office in Gaza. We cannot trust either HAMAS or Israel to tell the truth about events in Gaza, or about tunnels that exist there. But I think it must be true that these tunnels were built by HAMAS. I don’t think Israel could have • Read More »

Bullshitter mixing up Haley with Pelosi

*[The bullshitter] says mixing [up] Haley with Pelosi and Biden with Obama was tactic, not gaffe.* One advantage of training your supporters not to accept truth from you is that you can get away with bullshit about your bullshit. Post Views: 4

Ill-judged tree planting in Africa

*Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn.* Projects to plant lots of trees have gone awry before. Sometimes the problem is simply that most of the trees die, having been planted in places where those species will not grow. In this case, it seems worse problems threaten. Post Views: 8

Tennessee bill on helping minors obtain abortion

*Tennessee advances bill to [imprison] people [for] helping minors obtain abortion.* This demonstrates the fanaticism of the religious extremists that are determined to prevent abortion, whatever the cost (to those who are pregnant). The bill says specifically anyone who “recruits, harbors, or transports a pregnant unemancipated minor” commits a crime. I wonder what it means, • Read More »

People privately enslaved in Britain

Almost half the people privately enslaved in Britain nowadays were not trafficked from some other country. Rather, they are boys who were pressured by local criminals into supporting their crimes. Post Views: 6

Fire disaster in southern South America

The hottest January ever recorded has caused fire disaster in southern South America. Governments need to change many policies so as to prevent and discourage fires. Post Views: 3

Feasibility of plastic recycling

*Plastic producers have known for 30 years that recycling is not an economically or technically feasible plastic waste management solution. That has not stopped them from promoting it, according to a new report.* This could be the basis for big lawsuits against them. Post Views: 3

Germany silencing criticism of Israel

Germany is harshly silencing those who criticize Israel. After Hitler’s mass murder of Jews became public knowledge, Jews were compelled to confront the question: is it “never again” against us, or “never again” against anyone whatsoever? Humanitarian morality must choose the latter interpretation, and that is what I support. Germany has, according to the article, • Read More »

Explanations around Netanyahu, HAMAS and the US

Explanations for why Netanyahu clings so tightly to defeating HAMAS militarily even though the war is not going well, and why the US finds it so hard to stop this. The fact that HAMAS is not dead even in occupied northern Gaza may help convince pertinent people that the idea of militarily eliminating HAMAS is • Read More »

Denouncing critics of Israel as ‘un-Jews’ or antisemites

*Denouncing critics of Israel as ‘un-Jews’ or antisemites is a perversion of history.* There is an old current in Jewish thought which stands up for anyone who is mistreated — including Palestinians mistreated by Jews. And another old current of deplatforming them. Post Views: 2

Urgent: Investigate election rigging in Pakistan

US citizens: call on the United States to insist on a full investigation into accusations of military election rigging in Pakistan, before recognizing a new government there. Post Views: 5

American Bee Journal, Vol. I, No. 2, February 1861, The by Various

The American Bee Journal is the “oldest bee paper in America established in 1861 devoted to scientific bee-culture and the production and sale of pure honey. This second issue covers such topics such as The Dzierzon Theory, Origin and Nature of Honey Dew, Chemical Analysis of the Royal Jelly, The Italian Bee, and many others. • Read More »

“Œuvres pour Orgue” di Dietrich Buxtehude

Dietrich Buxtehude (Bad Oldesloe o Helsingborg, 1637 – Lubecca, 9 maggio 1707) è stato un compositore e organista tedesco-danese. Uomo colto, poliglotta, ottimo strumentista e discreto poeta, Buxtehude sviluppò uno stile che abbracciò le varie forme compositive dell’epoca, come la fantasia, il corale e la fuga, e che influenzò molti compositori, fra i quali il • Read More »

“Fascismo e cultura” di Giovanni Gentile

In questa raccolta di saggi pubblicata nel 1928 Gentile pone l’attenzione su vari temi: la necessità di chiarire cosa sia cultura; le differenze tra scienza, coscienza, erudizione e cultura; la relazione tra cultura e lavoro; il ruolo della scuola… Clicca sotto per leggere la sinossi a cura di Piero Giuseppe Perduca. Dall’incipit della Premessa: Se • Read More »

ASIA/FILIPPINE – “Missione popolare” in un mercato di Cebu per chiedere il dono di nuove vocazioni sacerdotali e religiose

Cebu – La crisi delle vocazioni è diventata un’emergenza anche per le Chiese dell’Asia che fin nel recente passato avevano visto tanti giovani attirati dalla vita sacerdotale e religiosa. Nelle Filippine, le comunità ecclesiali stano affrontando il problema con determinazione e creatività. L’arcidiocesi di Cebu, nell’ambito del Mese dedicato alle vocazioni, ha dato vita a • Read More »