
Income-based differences in healthcare utilization in relation to mortality in the Swedish population between 2004–2017: A nationwide register study

by Pär Flodin, Peter Allebeck, Ester Gubi, Bo Burström, Emilie E. Agardh Background Despite universal healthcare, socioeconomic differences in healthcare utilization (HCU) persist in modern welfare states. However, little is known of how HCU inequalities has developed over time. The aim of this study is to assess time trends of differences in utilization of primary • Read More »

Skydiver moves between gliders in mid-air! Red Bull Akte Blanix 2

For the Akte Blani(X) 2 project, skydiver Paul Steiner from the Red Bull Sky Dive Team and the Blanix Team complete another spectacular stunt. 2.100 meters above the ground, Steiner went out of the cockpit and walked on the wing, then transferred from one plane to the other. No belts, no tricks.

Der Balance-Akt des Jahres: Atemberaubend, Unfassbar: Paul Steiner und das Segelflug-Team Blanix lassen mit ihrem neuesten Projekt die Superlativen tanzen. Die Story in Kurzform: Zwei Flugzeuge, ein Skydiver, ein Umstieg.

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