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Wikipedia Selection for schools : Title Word Index : Ad
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Title Word Index : Ad

ad 10th century 13th century 16th century 1750 1760 1789 1790 1799 1805 1816 1831 1838 1840 1848 1856 1859 1864 1874 1879 1880 1885 1893 1897 1899 18th century 1900 1940 1980 1996 1998 19th century 1st century 2004 2006 2007 2008 2010 20th century 2nd century 3rd century 4th century 5th century 6th century 7th century 8th century 9th century AK-47 Advertising Akbar Algeria All your base are belong to us Andorra Anno Domini Arab League Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Babur Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi Charlemagne Doha Douglas Adams Eid al-Adha Saladin The Simpsons
aḍ West Bank
adaba Addis Ababa
adah Eid al-Adha
adam Adam Brody Adam Sandler Adam Smith Gardening John Adams Mother Teresa Rangers F.C. Trades Union Congress Water
adamantina Tooth enamel
adams Cadbury Douglas Adams Helen Keller John Adams John Quincy Adams Water
adaptations Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Cactus Giraffe
add Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Carolingian Gospel Book (British Library, MS Add. 11848) Dilbert
added A Tale of a Tub
addend Addition
addertongue Benjamin Franklin
addiction Morphine
adding Addition Subtraction
addis Addis Ababa
āddīs Addis Ababa
addishun Addition
addison Michael Woodruff Pernicious anemia
addition Addition Aldol reaction Binary number Cardinal number Complex number Euclidean vector Hydrogenation Modular arithmetic
additive Arithmetic Plastic
additivity Probability space
address Andrew Jackson CPU cache Email George Washington Gettysburg Address James Monroe John Quincy Adams Martin Van Buren Rutherford B. Hayes September 11 attacks Thomas Jefferson Ulysses S. Grant Warren G. Harding William Henry Harrison
adduct Aldol reaction
adelaide Adelaide
adelaidean Adelaide
adele Jane Eyre The Story of Tracy Beaker
adeliade Adelaide
ademame Soybean
adenex Vitamin C
adenosine Adenosine triphosphate
adenosinetriphosphate Adenosine triphosphate
adenyl Adenosine triphosphate
adenylate Adenosine triphosphate
adephos Adenosine triphosphate
adequacy René Descartes
adetol Adenosine triphosphate
adha Eid al-Adha
aḍḥá Eid al-Adha
aḍḥā Eid al-Adha
adharbijan Azerbaijan
adhd Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
adhesive Postage stamp
adhi Adi Shankara
adhirajya Nepal
adhirājya Nepal
adhirbayjan Azerbaijan
adi Adi Shankara Guru Granth Sahib
ādi Adi Shankara
adidas London Marathon
adinath Shiva
adiro Aspirin
adis Addis Ababa
ādīs Addis Ababa
adj Angle
adjacent Trigonometry
adjustable Bretton Woods system
adjustment Least squares Post-glacial rebound
adl Names of God in Islam
adler Niels Bohr
adlof Adolf Hitler
admi Yeti
administration Abraham Lincoln Andrew Jackson Andrew Johnson Benjamin Harrison Bill Clinton Calvin Coolidge Chester A. Arthur Cyprus Economics Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin Pierce George H. W. Bush George Washington Gerald Ford Grover Cleveland Harry S. Truman Herbert Hoover Hong Kong James A. Garfield James Buchanan James K. Polk James Madison James Monroe John Adams John F. Kennedy John Quincy Adams John Tyler Local government in Scotland Lyndon B. Johnson Martin Van Buren Millard Fillmore NASA Peaceful coexistence Politics of the United Kingdom Richard Nixon Rutherford B. Hayes Tax Theodore Roosevelt Thomas Jefferson Warren G. Harding William Henry Harrison William Howard Taft William McKinley Zachary Taylor
administrations President of the United States
administrativa Macau
administrative Algeria Angola Austria Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Botswana Brazil Brunei Burkina Faso Central African Republic Cook Islands Cuba Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Faroe Islands French Guiana French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Ghana Guadeloupe Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Italy Ivory Coast Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait La Paz Laos Lebanon Lesotho Lhasa Liberia Local government in Northern Ireland Local government in Wales Macau Madagascar Malawi Mali Martinique Mauritania Monaco Montserrat Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Panama Paraguay Republic of the Congo Rwanda Réunion Sierra Leone Slovakia Slovenia South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Syria São Tomé and Príncipe Togo Tokelau Tokyo Tunisia Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yes Minister Zambia Zimbabwe
administrator Wikipedia
admins Wikipedia
admiral Christopher Columbus Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson Zheng He
admiralty High Court of Justice
ado15 Mini
adoff Adolf Hitler
adolf Adolf Hitler
adolfhitler Adolf Hitler
adolfo Che Guevara
adolpf Adolf Hitler
adolph Adolf Hitler
adonai Names of God in Judaism
adonay Names of God in Judaism
adonoot Names of God in Judaism
adonud Names of God in Judaism
adonut Names of God in Judaism
adoption Firefox Universal Declaration of Human Rights
adoration The Rite of Spring
adp Adenosine triphosphate
adr BP Barclays HSBC
adrar Toubkal
adrastus Mark Twain
adrenal Hypertension
adress Gettysburg Address
adrian Adrian Grenier Adrien Brody
adriano Hadrian's Wall
adrien Adrian Grenier Adrien Brody Paul Dirac
ads Advertising British Airways Facebook The Simpsons
adsorption Chromatography
adsr Synthesizer
adugodi Bangalore
adult Acne vulgaris Blog Eczema Literacy Osteomalacia Penguin Scooby-Doo Stem cell The Salvation Army Vaccination
adulteries John Vanbrugh
adulthood Francis of Assisi
adun StarCraft
aduncus Tiger shark
advance Final Fantasy (video game) Nintendo DS
advanced Calculus Cataract surgery Civilization Materials science Modular arithmetic Nintendo Entertainment System University of Bristol Windows 2000
advantages Biodiesel Globalization
adventure Ice Age (franchise) The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents Willard Price's Adventure series YMCA
adventured The Adventures of Tintin
adventures Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Asterix Captain Marvel (DC Comics) David Copperfield Indiana Jones Kidnapped (novel) Morecambe and Wise Odysseus Odyssey Oliver Twist Roald Dahl Robinson Crusoe Spider-Man The Adventures of Tintin Wallace and Gromit
adverbs English grammar
adverse Effects of global warming
adverstising Advertising
advert Advertising
adverted Advertising
adverting Advertising
advertise Advertising
advertised Advertising
advertisement Advertising
advertisements Advertising Piccadilly Circus The Simpsons
advertiser Advertising
advertisers Advertising
advertises Advertising
advertising Advertising Consumer protection Tesco Yahoo!
advertisment Advertising
advertize Advertising
advertized Advertising
advertizement Advertising
advertizements Advertising
advertizes Advertising
advertizing Advertising
adverts Advertising
advice Accountancy Citizens Advice Bureau
advisory Economics European Union NASA Wikimedia Foundation
advocacy Animal rights
advocado Avocado
advocate Consumer protection
adware Spyware
adynol Adenosine triphosphate
Wikipedia for Schools is a selection taken from the original English-language Wikipedia by the child sponsorship charity . It was created as a checked and child-friendly teaching resource for use in schools in the developing world and beyond.Sources and authors can be found at See also our Disclaimer.
Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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