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Acción Ejecutiva - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Acción Ejecutiva

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Operación de la CIA destinada a remover del poder a Jefes de Estado que no eran amistosos con Estados Unidos.

En el marco de la Guerra fría las posiciones cada vez fueron más paranoicas. Y a la hora de deshacerse de los Jefes de estados que no eran obedientes con Estados Unidos fueron colocadas a prueba

Las opciones eran variadas e iban desde el secuestro hasta el asesinato. Pasando por la extorsión o el simple cohecho.

La CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) tenía como rol evaluar reportes de inteligencia y coordinar las actividades en el area de varios departamentos de estados y areas de la seguridad nacional.

Cuando Richard Bissell se unió a la CIA fue colocado a cargo del Directorato de Planes, la organización de actividades quien había logrado una exitosa campaña eleccionaria en a Italia de la postguerrra.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Comienzan los Golpes Militares

Apenas llegaron al poder en la CIA se propusieron evitar de nuevo el "riesgo" italiano, así que crearon planes para derribar a todos los Jefes de Estado no amistosos ( no obsecuentes)Esto se conocería como Acción Ejecutiva (Executive Action ) Esto incluiría un Golpe de Estado contra Jacobo Arbenz en . 1954 después de que afectara los intereses privados de muchos Skull & Bones dentro de los cuales se encontraban la United Fruit Company. Estos tenian muchos negocios en guatemala en los que tenian intereses comunes con la Mafia por lo que desde Guatemala, los investigadores describen esta unión como "CIA-Mafia".

[editar] Líderes políticos afectados por Acción Ejecutiva

Otros líderes políticos depuestos por Acción Ejecutiva fueron:

Sin embargo su blanco principal siempre fue Fidel Castro que estableció un gobierno de corte socialista en Cuba.

En 1975 el comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado [Estados Unidos|norteamericano] comenzó a investigar a la CIA. El Senador Stuart Symington preguntó al director Richard Helms si la CIA estaba involucrada en la remoción de Salvador Allende. Helms afirmó que no. Además insistió que no había suministrado dólares ni armas a los oponentes de Allende.

Investigaciones paralelas por el Inspector General de la CIA y por el Senador Frank Church y su Select Committee on Intelligence Activities demostró que Hems mintió al comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado [Estados Unidos|norteamericano]. También comprobaron que habían estado involucrado en espionaje interno en Estados Unidos ( lo que es abiertamente inconstitucional) y en los asesinatos de Patrice Lumumba, General Abd al-Karim Kassem y Ngo Dinh Diem. En1977 Helms fue encontrado culpable de MENTIR AL CONGRESO Y CONDENADO A UNA PENA DE 2 AÑOS DE PRISION REMITIDA.

Algunos invstigadores incluyen en esta lista a John Kennedy , Martin Luther King y el de Robert Kennedy ya que en las distintas Teorias de Asesinato aparece la CIA siempre entre los probables conspiradores.

Esta política norteamericana provocó una epidemia de Golpes de Estado en el mundo. Algunos de ellos están listados en esta lista

[editar] Operación Mangosta

En Marzo de I960, el Presidente Dwight Eisenhower aprobó un plan de la CIA para derrocar a Castro.

El Plan tenia un presupuesto de US$$13 millones para entrenar "una fuerza paramilitar afuera de Cuba para acciones guerrilleras dentro de ella." La Estrategia fue diseñada por Bissell y Helms. Un estimado de 400 oficiales de la CIA officers fueron empleados en lo que se llamó Operación Mangosta (Operation Mongoose).

Incluía a la Operación 40

[editar] Se hace una película

Executive Action es una 1973 película acerca del asesinato de John F. Kennedy . Escrita por Dalton Trumbo, Donald Freed y Mark Lane.

Ha sido uno de las dos grandes producciones de Hollywood que presentan el asesinato de Kennedy como una conspiración ( la otra es la pelicula de Oliver Stone de 1991 JFK).

La música original es de Randy Edelman.

[editar] Bibliografía

  • Executive action: assassination of a head of state Donald Freed & Mark Lane.
  • EXECUTIVE SECRETS Covert Action and the PresidencyWilliam J. Daugherty ISBN 0813191610.
  • High Treason: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edwared Livingstone
  • High Treason 2: the great cover-up Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edwared Livingstone.
  • Plausible Denial: was the CIA involved in the assassination of JFK? Mark Lane.
  • The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti.
  • The Guns of Dallas L. Fletcher Prouty (Leroy)
  • The Secret Team L. Fletcher Prouty.
  • Coup d'etat in America: the CIA and the assassination of John F. Kennedy Michael Canfield and Alan J. Weberman.
  • Executive Secrets: Covert Action & the Presidency. Daugherty, William J.University Press of Kentucky, KY, 2004.
  • Lost Crusader: The Secret Wars of CIA Director William Colby
  • AGEE, Philip. Inside the Company: CIA diary. London, G.B.: Allen lane, 1975. 639 p.,AGEE, Philip. ISBN 0713909854; LC 75305598.
  • Inside the Company: CIA diary. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Stonehill, ©1975.AGEE, Philip.ISBN 0883730286; LC 75323312; MS-1822.
  • On the run. Secaucus, N.J., U.S.A.: L. Stuart, ©1987.AGEE, Philip. ISBN 0818404191; LC 87010057.
  • For the president's eyes only: secret intelligence and the American presidency from Washington to Bush. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: HarperCollins Publishers, ©1995.ANDREW, Christopher M. ISBN 0060170379; LC 94018746.
  • La Penca: on trial in Costa Rica: the CIA vs. the press. San Jose, Costa Rica: Editorial Porvenir, 1987. AVIRGAN, Tony.; HONEY, Martha. [eds.]. ISBN 9977944164; LC 91143384.
  • Secret contenders: the myth of cold war counterintelligence. (Introduction by Thomas Powers). New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sheridan Square Publications, ©1984.BECK, Melvin. ISBN 0940380056; 0940380048; LC 84010635.
  • The CIA, a forgotten history: US Global interventions since World War 2. London, G.B.; Atlantic Highlands, N.J., U.S.A.: Zed Books, 1986. BLUM, William. ISBN 0862324793; 0862324807; LC 86028962.
  • Killing hope: U.S. military and CIA interventions since World War II. Monroe, Me., U.S.A.: Common Courage Press, ©1995. 457 p.,Revised edition of: The CIA, a forgotten history.BLUM, William. ISBN 1567510531; 1567510523; LC 95011786.
  • Killing hope: U.S. military and CIA interventions since World War II. Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.: Black Rose Books, 1998.Originamente publicado bajo el título de: The CIA, a forgotten history.BLUM, William. ISBN 155164097X; 1551640961; LC 97074154.
  • The CIA and the U.S. intelligence system. Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.: Westview Press, (Westview Library of Federal Departments, Agencies, and Systems), 1986. BRECKINRIDGE, Scott D. ISBN 081330282X; LC 85020377; CA 5867837.
  • The CIA and the Cold War: a memoir. Westport, Conn., U.S.A.: Praeger, 1993. BRECKINRIDGE, Scott D. ISBN 0275945472; LC 92046554.
  • Secrets, spies, and scholars: blueprint of the essential CIA. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Acropolis Books, ©1976. CLINE, Ray S. ISBN 0874910463; LC 76056410.
  • The CIA under Reagan, Bush & Casey: the evolution of the agency from Roosevelt to Reagan. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Acropolis Books, 1981. 351 p., CLINE, Ray S. ISBN 0874914426; 0874914434; LC 81012857.
  • Honorable men: my life in the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Simon and Schuster, ©1978. COLBY, William Egan.FORBATH, Peter. ; ISBN 0671228757; LC 78001525.
  • COMMISSION OF THE ROLES AND CAPABILITIES OF THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY. Preparing for the 21st century: an appraisal of U.S. intelligence: report of the Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: U.S. Government Printing Office, [1996]. 1 Vol. .ISBN 0160485355; LC 96125334.
  • Unholy wars: Afghanistan, America, and international terrorism. London, G.B.; Sterling, Va., U.S.A.: Pluto Press, 1999.COOLEY, John K. ISBN 0745313280; LC 98050370.
  • Unholy wars: Afghanistan, America, and international terrorism. London, G.B.; Sterling, Va., U.S.A.: Pluto Press, 2000. COOLEY, John K. ISBN 0745316913; LC 2001265765.
  • CIA et Jihad 1950-2001: Contre l'URSS, une désastreuse alliance. (Traduit de l'anglais par Laurent Bury; préface d'Edward W. Saïd). Paris, France: Editions AutrementFrontières, ©2002. COOLEY, John K. ISBN 274670188X.
  • Without cloak or dagger: the truth about the new espionage. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Simon and Schuster, [1974]. 351 p.,COPELAND, Miles. ISBN 0671216627; LC 74001136.
  • The Central Intelligence Agency: an instrument of government, to 1950. [U.S.A.]: Central Intelligence Agency, Historical Staff, (The DCI Historical Series; HS1), [1989]. 11 Vols. DARLING, Arthur B. LC 90123577.
  • The Central Intelligence Agency: an instrument of government, to 1950. (With introductions by Bruce D. Berkowitz and Allan E. Goodman). University Park, Penn., U.S.A.: Pennsylvania State University Press, ©1990. DARLING, Arthur B. ISBN 0271007176; 027100715X; LC 90045807.
  • Slow burn: the rise and bitter fall of American Intelligence in Vietnam. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Simon Schuster, ©1990. DEFOREST, Orrin.; CHANOFF, David. ISBN 0671692585; LC 90009496.
  • Sub rosa: the CIA and the uses of intelligence. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Times Books, ©1978. DE SILVA, Peer. ISBN 0812907450; LC 77087821.
  • Uncloaking the CIA. (Presentations made at the Conference on the CIA and World Peace, held at Yale University on April 5, 1975). New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Free Press, ©1978. FRAZIER, Howard. [ed.]. ISBN 0029105900; LC 77087573.
  • The CIA in Asia: covert operations against India and Afghanistan. (Translated from the Russian by Gayane Chalyan). Moscow, Russia: Progress Publishers, ©1988. 142 p., bibliogr., 20 cm.GALIULLIN, Rustem Khakimovich. ISBN 5010004828; LC 88156038.
  • Book of honor: covert lives and classified deaths at the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Doubleday, 2000. GUP, Ted. ISBN 0385492936; LC 99089017.
  • Book of honor: the secret lives and deaths of CIA operatives. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Anchor Books, 2001 GUP, Ted. ISBN 0385495412; LC 2001271108.
  • Getting to know the president: CIA briefings of presidential candidates, 1952-1992. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, [1995].HELGERSON, John L.LC 96231326.
  • The old boys: the American elite and the origins of the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.; Toronto, Ont., Canada; New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Scribner's; Maxwell Macmillan Canada; Maxwell Macmillan International, ©1992. HERSH, Burton. ISBN 0684193485; LC 91026890.
  • The fish is red: the story of the secret war against Castro. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Harper & Row, ©1981. HINCKLE, Warren.; TURNER, William W. ISBN 0060380039; LC 81047344.
  • Deadly secrets: the CIA-Mafia war against Castro and the assassination of J.F.K. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Thunder's Mouth Press, ©1992. HINCKLE, Warren.; TURNER, William W. ISBN 1560250461; LC 92022925.
  • The CIA in Guatemala: the foreign policy of intervention. Austin, TX., U.S.A.: University of Texas Press, (The Texas Pan American Series), 1982. IMMERMAN, Richard H. ISBN 0292780451; LC 81016312.
  • Eternal vigilance?: 50 years of the CIA. London, G.B.: Frank Cass, 1997. 236 p.,JEFFREYS-JONES, Rhodri.; ANDREW, Christopher M. [eds.]. WorldCat 20020104.
  • America's secret power: the CIA in a democratic society. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Oxford University Press, 1989. JOHNSON, Loch K. ISBN 0195054903; LC 88023467.
  • CIA and the Third world: a study in crypto-diplomacy. London, G.B.: Zed Press, 1981.KUMAR, Satish. ISBN 0862320550; CA 3258357.
  • CIA and the Third world: a study in cryptodiplomacy. New Delhi, India: Vikas, 1981. KUMAR, Satish. ISBN 0706912926; LC 81901035; CA 2880221.
  • The Central Intelligence Agency, history and documents. [University, Ala., U.S.A.]: University of Alabama Press, ©1984. LEARY, William M. [ed.]. ISBN 0817302190; LC 83017896.
  • Perilous missions: Civil Air Transport and the CIA covert operations in Asia. University, Ala., U.S.A.: University of Alabama Press, ©1984. LEARY, William M. [ed.]. ISBN 081730164X; LC 83003554.
  • Perilous missions: Civil Air Transport and the CIA covert operations in Asia. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002.LEARY, William M. [ed.]. ISBN 1588340287; LC 2001058196.
  • Secret war against the Jews: how western espionage betrayed the Jewish people. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: St. Martin's Press, 1994. LOFTUS, John.; AARONS, Mark. ISBN 031209535X; LC 93044058.
  • Deadly deceits: my 25 years in the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Sheridan Square Publications, ©1983.McGEHEE, Ralph W. ISBN 094038003X; 0940380021; LC 82019627.
  • CIA-Operation Hindu Kush : Geheimdienstaktivitäten im unerklärten Krieg der USA gegen Afghanistan. Berlin, D.D.R.: Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, (Militärpolitik aktuell), ©1988. 95 p., MADER, Julius. ISBN 3327006601; LC 88165977.
  • Le manuel de la CIA: La politique d'intervention des Etats-Unis au Nicaragua. (Préface de Philippe Agee). Anvers, Belgium: Editions EPO, (EPO Dossier International), [1985]. 125 p., illus., "Operaciones sicológicas en guerra de guerrillas por Tayacán" (French), p. 27-91; "Manual del combatiente por la libertad" (French), p. 93-125, 20 cm. C-2002.
  • The Iran-Contra connection: secret teams and covert operations in the Reagan era. Boston, MA., U.S.A.: South End Press, ©1987. MARSHALL, Jonathan.; SCOTT, Peter Dale.; HUNTER, Jane.ISBN 089608292X; 0896082911; LC 87013059.
  • Battleground Berlin: CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War. New Haven, Conn., U.S.A.: Yale University Press, ©1997. MURPHY, David E.; KONDRASHEV, Sergei A.; BAILEY, George. ISBN 0300072333; LC 97016829.
  • In the name of intelligence: essays in honor of Walter Pforzheimer. (Foreword by Robert M. Gates; limited 1st edition of 400). Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: NIBC Press, ©1994PEAKE, Hayden B.; HALPERN, Samuel. [eds.]. ISBN 1878292102; LC 94025506.
  • from the OSS to the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Viking, 1990. xix+601 p., ill., index, 25 cm.PERSICO, Joseph E. Casey: ISBN 0670823422; 0140113142; LC 90050121.
  • The man who kept the secrets: Richard Helms & the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Knopf, 1979. POWERS, Thomas. ISBN 0394507770; LC 79002210.
  • CIA: les services secrets américains. [Montréal, Québec, Canada]: Stanké, [©1978]. 204 p., bibliogr., 23 cm.RANCOURT, Denis. ISBN 0885660854; LC 79380204; CA 1096629.
  • The agency: the rise and decline of the CIA. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Simon and Schuster, ©1986. 847+[16] RANELAGH, John. ISBN 0671443186; LC 85030329.
  • The agency: the rise and decline of the CIA. (Revised and updated). New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Simon and Schuster, (A Touchstone Book), 1987. 869+[16] RANELAGH, John. ISBN 0671639943; LC 87004869.
  • The U.S. intelligence community. Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.: Westview Press, 1999. RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. ISBN 0813368936; LC 98052830.
  • The wizards of Langley: inside the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology. Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.: Westview Press, 2001. RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. ISBN 0813366992; LC 2001017750.
  • Creating the secret state: the origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943-1947. Lawrence, Kan., U.S.A.: University Press of Kansas, ©2000. 244 p., bibliography p. 223-228, RUDGERS, David F. ISBN 0700610243; LC 99089870.
  • Remote viewers: the secret history of America's psychic spies. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Dell, ©1997. SCHNABEL, Jim. ISBN 0440223067; LC 97128623.
  • In search of enemies: a CIA story. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: Norton, 1984. 285 p., ill., index, 24 cm.STOCKWELL, John. ISBN 0393009262.
  • A CIA contra Angola. Lisboa, Portugal: Ulmeiro, em colaboração com a União dos Escritores Angolanos, (Biblioteca Ulmeiro; 14), 1979. 291+[3] p., ill., 21 cm.STOCKWELL, John. OCLC 10747293.
  • UNITED STATES. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. CIA documents on the Cuban missile crisis, 1962. (Editor, Mary S. McAuliffe). Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: History Staff, Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA Cold War Records), [1992]. xxii+376 p., LC 92250240.
  • The CIA under Harry Truman. (Editor, Michael Warner). Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA Cold War Records), 1994. LC 95131704.
  • Corona: America's first satellite program. (Editor, Kevin C. Ruffner). Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: History Staff, Center for the Study of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, (CIA Cold War Records), 1995. LC 96231312.
  • SFOR mission: contribute to a secure environment necessary for the consolidation and stabilization of peace: [Bosnia and Hercegovina]. (This paper prepared by CIA and DIA members of the DCI Interagency Balkan Task Force). [Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: Central Intelligence Agency, (357921PM5 4-97), 1997]. LC 97684899.
  • CONGRESS. HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES. SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. Statement of Laszlo Szabo in hearings before the CIA Subcommittee, Eighty-ninth Congress, second session. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: United States Government Printing Office, 1966. LC 66061013.
  • PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE. IC21: intelligence community in the 21st century: staff study. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996. 335+39 pLC 97122150.
  • IC21: the Intelligence Community in the 21st century: hearings before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, May 22--December 19, 1995. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996. iii+393 ISBN 0160526442; LC 96168431.
  • SENATE. SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE. S. 2198 and S. 421 to reorganize the United States Intelligence community: hearings before the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, second session--to amend the National Security Act of 1947--Thursday, February 20; Wednesday, March 4; Thursday, March 12; Thursday, March 19, 1992. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: U.S. Government Printing Office, (Serial; 102-894),
  • S. 2198 and S. 421 to reorganize the United States Intelligence community: joint hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate and Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, Wednesday, April 1, 1992. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: U.S. Government Printing Office, (Serial; 102-1052), 1993. iii+121 ISBN 0160402727; LC 94111876.
  • NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE. The Corona story. [Chantilly, VA., U.S.A.?]: National Reconnaissance Office, 1988. WorldCat 20010206.
  • Inside CIA's private world: declassified articles from the agency's internal journal, 1955-1992. New Haven, Conn., U.S.A.: Yale University Press, ©1995. WESTERFIELD, H. Bradford. [ed.]. ISBN 0300060262; LC 94049082.
  • Veil: the secret wars of the CIA 1981-1987. London, G.B.: Simon & Schuster, ©1987. 543+[16] pWOODWARD, Bob. ISBN 0671601172; LC 87020520.

[editar] Enlaces externos

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