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Edad del consentimiento - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Edad del consentimiento

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Esta página está traduciéndose del idioma portugués a partir del artículo Idade de consentimento, razón por la cual puede haber lagunas de contenidos, errores sintácticos o escritos sin traducir.
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La edad del consentimiento (del inglés age of consent) es la edad por debajo de la cual, para propósitos criminales, la violencia se presume legalmente en las relaciones sexuales, sin importar la existencia de cualquier violencia real. En la práctica, el consentimiento real puede acontecer en una edad diferente del consentimiento legal.

El sexo no consentido es considerado abuso sexual.

La variación semántica “mayoría sexual” (del francés majorité sexuelle) indica la edad a partir de la cual la persona es dotada de autonomía plena en relación a su vida sexual, y no necesariamente es la misma que la edad del consentimiento.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Edad del consentimiento en los países hispanohablantes

Esta sección está traduciéndose del idioma inglés a partir del artículo Ages of consent in South America, razón por la cual puede haber lagunas, errores sintácticos o escritos sin traducir.
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[editar] Argentina

The age of consent in Argentina is 13 (Argentine Penal Code, Article 119 - in Spanish), although some restrictions apply for sex with adolescents between the ages of 13 and 16 (Argentine Penal Code, Article 120). In any case, charges can only be brought after a complaint by the minor, their parent or guardian - (Argentine Penal Code Article 72) (however, the State prosecutes when the minor has no parent or legal guardian, or when the offender is one of them).

The restrictions mentioned above (for ages between 13 and 16) apply whenever someone over 18, taking advantage of the sexual immaturity of the minor or of his superiority (preeminencia) with respect to the minor, practices one of the following acts:

  • or when any type of sex (acceso carnal) is obtained by the means of violence, threat, abusive coerción, or harassment in a relationship of dependence, authority or power, or by taking advantage of the fact that the minor, for any reason, couldn’t freely give consent -

(Arg. Penal Code, Article 120 combined with Article 119, 1st and 3rd paragraphs).

There is also a further Argentine law, 'Corruption of minors', which can bring charges to those manipulating minors below the age of 18 into having sexual relations - (Argentine Penal Code Article 125 - in Spanish). Penalties are aggravated in three situations:

  • (a) if the minor is under 13;
  • (b) when sex is obtained by the means of deceit, violence, threat, abuse of authority or by any other means of intimidation or coerción, as well as when the offender is a parent or legal guardian, brother/sister, spouse, or someone who is a constant companion or who is responsible for educating or guarding the minor; or
  • (c) when the offender takes advantage of being a previous companion to the minor, in order to violate any of the restrictions aforementioned for ages between 13 and 16 (Argentine Penal Code - Article 119, 4th paragraph, section “f” - in Spanish).

[editar] Chile

The current age of consent in Chile is 14 years old for heterosexual activity (Art. 362 Chilean Penal Code). Even when not clearly stated in Article 362, later on, in Article 365, homosexual activity is declared illegal with anyone under 18 years old.

There also exists in the Chilean Penal Code, a legal figure called estupro. This figure establishes some limitations to sexual contacts with children older than 14 and younger than 18 years old. The estupro legislation (Article 363) defines four situations in which sex with such a children can be declared illegal even if the minor consented to the relationship (non-consensual sex with anyone older than 14 y.o. falls under the rape legislation, Article 361; while any sexual contact with anyone under 14 y.o. falls under the statutory rape legislation, Article 362.):

  • When one takes advantage of a mental anomaly or perturbation of the child, even if transitory.
  • When one takes advantage of a dependency or subordinate relationship of the child, like in cases when the aggressor is in charge of the custody, education or caretaking of the child, or when there exists a laboral relationship with the child.
  • When one takes advantage of severely neglected children.
  • When one takes advantage of the sexual ignorance or inexperience of the child.

The sexual acts regulated by Articles 361 (rape), 362 (statutory rape), 363 (estupro) and 365 (homosexual sex) are defined as "carnal access" (acceso carnal) which means either oral, anal or vaginal intercourse. Other articles within the penal code regulate other sexual interactions (Articles 365 bis, 366, 366 bis, 366 ter, 366 quater). Article 365 bis, regulates the "introduction of objects" either in the anus, vagina or mouth. Article 366 bis, defines "sexual act" as any relevant act with sexual significance accomplished by physical contact with the victim, or affecting the victim's genitals, anus or mouth even when no physical contact occurred.

Article 369, states that charges relating to these offenses (Articles 361 to 365) can only be brought after a complaint by the minor, their parent or guardian or legal representative. Nevertheless, if the offended party cannot freely file the complaint and if he or she lacks a legal representative, parent of guardian, or if the legal representative, parent or guardian is involved in the crime, the Public Ministry may proceed by its own.

[editar] Uruguay

La edad minima de consentimiento en Uruguay es de 15 años. [1] Código Penal Uruguayo Articulos 272 y 267.

Entre los 12 y 15 años existe un estatus intermedio donde se supone legalmente que existió violencia en el hecho, excepto en casos en que se pueda probar lo contrario. Vea [[[2]]] artículo 272, “1 del Código Penal. En estos casos el "onus probandi" (la carga de la prueba) pasa del demandante al acusado, quien tiene la posibilidad de probar que existió consentimiento previo. Por debajo de los 12 años de edad el consentimiento previo no es defensa y se considera que existió delito.

Uruguay además tiene una ley de Corrupción de Menores, la cual permite elevar cargos contra aquellos que manipulan a los menores de 18 años a fin de mantener relaciones sexuales - [[3] Código Penal Uruguayo Articulo 274.

A partir de los 15 años en adelante, el proceso penal solo puede ser iniciado por el menor o sus padres, excepto en los casos en que la acusación sea hecha contra los padres o tutores legales. Vea [[4] articulo 279 del Código Penal).

[editar] España

The age of consent in Spain is 13, as specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Articles 181(2) and 183. Spanish Penal Code

[editar] Historia

Homosexual acts have been legal in Spain since 1822 (with the exception of the offence of “habitual homosexual acts" in the years 1928-32). A new Criminal Code was introduced in 1995 which specified an age of consent of 12 under Article 181f for all sexual acts; and this was raised to 13 a few years later.

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