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Discusión:Oro - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Bueno, ya estoy un poco cansado de hacer la traducción del inglés, y hay algunos términos (sobre todo químicos) que nunca he visto en el colegio ^_^ y que he dejado tal cual en espera de que alguien con unos conocimientos más amplios pueda corregir mis posibles fallos. Volveré mañana a las andadas con este artículo, que decididamente estaba pidiendo a gritos una reforma. Por ello, dejo la parte que estaba en inglés, para tener el texto original como referencia accesible. Sabbut 23:52 28 nov, 2003 (CET)

He completado más la traducción, pero desisto de seguir con el resto (poco divertido). Lo que sí haré será reescribir la tabla siguiendo la Wikipedia:Plantilla de elementos químicos. Untrozo 18:21 4 feb, 2004 (CET)

The color of solid gold as well as of the intensely colored, often purple, colloidal solutions that can be made from it is caused by the fact that the plasmon frequency of this element lies in the visible range, which causes red and yellow light to be reflected and blue light to be absorbed. Native gold contains usually eight to ten per cent silver, but often much more. As the amount of silver increases, the color becomes whiter and the specific gravity lower.

Alloys with copper yield a redder metal, alloys with iron are green, aluminum alloys are purple. Jewelry made with combinations of colored gold is sold in the western United States to the tourist trade as Black Hills gold.

Common oxidation states of gold include +1 and +3.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Aplicaciones

  • Gold is often symbolic for the highest or best achievement. Like a blue ribbon, a gold medal is the highest award in the Olympics and many other competitions.

[editar] History

The primary goal of the alchemists was to produce gold from other substances, such as lead - Though they were never successful at this attempt, the alchemists promoted an interest in what can be done with substances, and this laid a foundation for today's chemistry. Many competitions award a gold medal to the winner, silver to the second-place finisher, and bronze to the third. The largest gold depository in the world is the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.

[editar] Value

Like other precious metals, gold is measured by troy weight and when it is alloyed with other metals the term carat is used to indicate the amount of gold present with 24 carats being pure gold.

Historical gold was used to back currency in a system known as the gold standard in which one unit of currency was equivalent to a certain amount of gold.

For a very long time the value of gold was set by the United States at $20.67 per troy ounce but in 1934 the value of gold was fixed at $35.00 per troy ounce. Because of a gold crisis, on March 17, 1968, a two-tiered pricing scheme was established whereby gold was still used to settle international accounts at the old $35.00 per troy ounce but the price of gold on the private market was allowed to fluctuate, this two-tiered pricing system was abandoned in 1975 when the price of gold was allowed to fluctuate. Since 1968 the price of gold on the open market has widely fluctuated reaching $620/troy oz. in January 1980 but later dropped to $410/troy oz by January 1990.

Because of its use as a reserve store of value, the possession of gold is sometimes restricted or banned. Within the United States, the private possession of gold except as jewelry and coin collecting was banned between 1933 and 1975.

As a tangible investment gold is often held as part of a portfolio because over the long term gold has an extensive history of maintaining its value. However, gold becomes particularly desirable in times of extremely weak confidence and during hyperinflation because gold maintains its value even as fiat money becomes worthless.

[editar] Abundancia y obtención

Although gold is important to industry and the arts, it also retains a unique status among all commodities as a long-term store of value. It has been estimated that all the gold in the world that has ever been refined could form a single cube 20 m (60 ft) on a side.

[editar] Estándar Monetario?

La exactitud de la información de este artículo está discutida.
En la página de discusión puede consultar el debate al respecto.

El Oro no se usa como estándar monetario desde la Segunda Guerra. El oro como estandar es historia vieja.

[editar] Obtencion del oro

Se puede obtener de alguna forma oro del Plomo o de algun otro mineral, si es asi que el que lo sepa lo publique. --Jpcristian 05:24 6 abr 2006 (CEST)

[editar] Nota

Paren de editar esta pagina con estupideses. La tuve que restaurar por que a un ingenioso se le ocurrio poner "EL ORO ES LORO"

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