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WTA - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


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WTA son las siglas de Women's Tennis Association, y es al tenis femenino lo que la ATP es al tenis masculino. En 2005 la WTA cambió su nombre por el de The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.

La WTA comenzó en Houston, Texas EE.UU. el 23 de septiembre de 1970.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Jugadoras que lograron ser No. 1 en el WTA Tour Ranking

Paìs Jugadora Fecha Inicio Fecha Final Semanas Acumulado
the United States Chris Evert 3-nov-1975 9-jul-1978 140 140
Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 10-jul-1978 14-ene-1979 27 27
the United States Chris Evert 15-ene-1979 28-ene-1979 2 142
Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 29-ene-1979 25-feb-1979 4 31
the United States Chris Evert 26-feb-1979 15-abr-1979 7 149
Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 16-abr-1979 24-jun-1979 10 41
the United States Chris Evert 25-jun-1979 9-sep-1979 11 160
Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 10-sep-1979 6-abr-1980 30 71
the United States Tracy Austin 7-abr-1980 20-abr-1980 2 2
Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 21-abr-1980 29-jun-1980 10 81
the United States Tracy Austin 30-jun-1980 16-nov-1980 20 22
the United States Chris Evert 17-nov-1980 2-may-1982 76 236
the United States Martina Navratilova 3-may-1982 16-may-1982 2 83
the United States Chris Evert 17-may-1982 13-jun-1982 4 240
the United States Martina Navratilova 14-jun-1982 9-jun-1985 156 239
the United States Chris Evert 10-jun-1985 13-oct-1985 18 258
the United States Martina Navratilova 14-oct-1985 27-oct-1985 2 241
the United States Chris Evert 28-oct-1985 24-nov-1985 4 262
the United States Martina Navratilova 25-nov-1985 16-ago-1987 90 331
Germany Steffi Graf 17-ago-1987 10-mar-1991 186 186
SFR Yugoslavia Monica Seles 11-mar-1991 4-ago-1991 21 21
Germany Steffi Graf 5-ago-1991 11-ago-1991 1 187
SFR Yugoslavia Monica Seles 12-ago-1991 18-ago-1991 1 22
Germany Steffi Graf 19-ago-1991 8-sep-1991 3 190
SFR Yugoslavia Monica Seles 9-sep-1991 6-jun-1993 91 113
Germany Steffi Graf 7-jun-1993 5-feb-1995 87 277
Spain Arantxa Sánchez Vicario 6-feb-1995 19-feb-1995 2 2
Germany Steffi Graf 20-feb-1995 26-feb-1995 1 278
Spain Arantxa Sánchez Vicario 27-feb-1995 9-abr-1995 6 8
Germany Steffi Graf 10-abr-1995 14-may-1995 5 283
Spain Arantxa Sánchez Vicario 15-may-1995 11-jun-1995 4 12
Germany Steffi Graf 12-jun-1995 13-ago-1995 9 292
Germany Steffi Graf 14-ago-1995 3-nov-1996 64 356
the United States Monica Seles 177
Germany Steffi Graf 4-nov-1996 17-nov-1996 2 358
Germany Steffi Graf 18-nov-1996 24-nov-1996 1 359
the United States Monica Seles 178
Germany Steffi Graf 25-nov-1996 30-mar-1997 18 377
Switzerland Martina Hingis 31-mar-1997 11-oct-1998 80 80
the United States Lindsay Davenport 12-oct-1998 7-feb-1999 17 17
Switzerland Martina Hingis 8-feb-1999 4-jul-1999 21 101
the United States Lindsay Davenport 5-jul-1999 8-ago-1999 5 22
Switzerland Martina Hingis 9-ago-1999 2-abr-2000 34 135
the United States Lindsay Davenport 3-abr-2000 7-may-2000 5 27
Switzerland Martina Hingis 8-may-2000 14-may-2000 1 136
the United States Lindsay Davenport 15-may-2000 21-may-2000 1 28
Switzerland Martina Hingis 22-may-2000 14-oct-2001 73 209
the United States Jennifer Capriati 15-oct-2001 4-nov-2001 3 3
the United States Lindsay Davenport 5-nov-2001 13-ene-2002 10 38
the United States Jennifer Capriati 14-ene-2002 24-feb-2002 6 9
the United States Venus Williams 25-feb-2002 17-mar-2002 3 3
the United States Jennifer Capriati 18-mar-2002 21-abr-2002 5 14
the United States Venus Williams 22-abr-2002 19-may-2002 4 7
the United States Jennifer Capriati 20-may-2002 9-jun-2002 3 17
the United States Venus Williams 10-jun-2002 7-jul-2002 4 11
the United States Serena Williams 8-jul-2002 10-ago-2003 57 57
Belgium (civil) Kim Clijsters 11-ago-2003 19-oct-2003 10 10
Belgium (civil) Justine Henin-Hardenne 20-oct-2003 26-oct-2003 1 1
Belgium (civil) Kim Clijsters 27-oct-2003 9-nov-2003 2 12
Belgium (civil) Justine Henin-Hardenne 10-nov-2003 12-sep-2004 44 45
France Amélie Mauresmo 13-sep-2004 17-oct-2004 5 5
the United States Lindsay Davenport 18-oct-2004 21-ago-2005 44 82
Russia Maria Sharapova 22-ago-2005 28-ago-2005 1 1
the United States Lindsay Davenport 29-ago-2005 11-sep-2005 2 84
Russia Maria Sharapova 12-sep-2005 23-oct-2005 6 7
the United States Lindsay Davenport 24-oct-2005 29-ene-2006 14 98
Belgium (civil) Kim Clijsters 30-ene-2006 19-mar-2006 7 19
France Amélie Mauresmo 20-mar-2006 12-nov-2006 34 39
Belgium (civil) Justine Henin-Hardenne 13-nov-2006 5 50
  • En negritas se muestra la primera aparición de la jugadora en la tabla.

[editar] Semanas como No. 1

[editar] Total

Posición País Jugadora Semanas
1 Germany Steffi Graf 377
2 Czechoslovakia Martina Navratilova 331
the United States
3 the United States Chris Evert 262
4 Switzerland Martina Hingis 209
5 SFR_Yugoslavia Monica Seles 178
the United States
6 the United States Lindsay Davenport 98
7 the United States Serena Williams 57
8 Belgium (civil) Justine Henin-Hardenne 50
9 France Amélie Mauresmo 39
10 the United States Tracy Austin 22
11 Belgium (civil) Kim Clijsters 19
12 the United States Jennifer Capriati 17
13 Spain Arantxa Sanchez Vicario 12
14 the United States Venus Williams 11
15 Russia Maria Sharapova 7
  • En negritas se muestra la jugadora No. 1 actual.

[editar] Consecutivas

Posición País Jugadora Semanas
1 Germany Steffi Graf 186
2 the United States Martina Navratilova 156
3 the United States Chris Evert 140
4 Germany Steffi Graf 94
5 the United States Monica Seles 91
6 the United States Martina Navratilova 90
7 Germany Steffi Graf 87
8 Switzerland Martina Hingis 80
9 the United States Chris Evert 76
10 Switzerland Martina Hingis 73
  • En negritas se muestra la primera aparición de la jugadora en la tabla.
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