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Grafika:EarlePage.jpg - Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia


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Transwiki approved by: w:en:User:Anetode

This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original description was:

w:en:Earle Page (1880-1961) c1939, Country Party MP and 11th w:en:Prime Minister of Australia April 1939.

Public domain This image was created in Australia and is now in the public domain because its term of copyright has expired. According to the Australian Copyright Council (ACC), ACC Information Sheet G23 (Duration of copyright) (Sep 2005).
Type of material Copyright has expired if ...
 A  Photographs or other works published anonymously, under a pseudonym or the creator is unknown: taken or published prior to January 1, 1955
 B  Photographs (except A): taken prior to January 1, 1955
 C  Artistic works (except A & B): the creator died before January 1, 1955
 D  Published editions1 (except A & B): first published more than 25 years ago
 E  Commonwealth or State government owned2 photographs: first published more than 50 years ago

1 means the typographical arrangement and layout of a published work. eg. newsprint.
2owned means where a government is the copyright owner as well as would have owned copyright but reached some other agreement with the creator.

When using this template, please provide information of where the image was first published and who created it.

Source - http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A110127b.htm
Image link - http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/images/portraits/A110127.jpg

[edit] File history

date/time username resolution size edit summary
07:46, 19 July 2007 w:en:User:Timeshift9 250×345 24 KB <a href="/wiki/Earle_Page" title="Earle Page">Earle Page</a> (1880-1961), <a href="/wiki/National_Party_of_Australia" title="National Party of Australia">Country Party</a> MP and 11th <a href="/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Australia" title="Prime Minister of Australia">Prime Minister of Australia</a> April 1939. {{PD-Australia-CC}} Source - http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/images/portraits/A110127.jpg

[edit] Image description page history

link date/time username edit summary
[1] 23:50, 24 September 2007 w:en:User:Anetode
[2] 07:49, 19 July 2007 w:en:User:Timeshift9
[3] 07:48, 19 July 2007 w:en:User:Timeshift9
[4] 07:48, 19 July 2007 w:en:User:Timeshift9
[5] 07:46, 19 July 2007 w:en:User:Timeshift9 (<a href="/wiki/Earle_Page" title="Earle Page">Earle Page</a> (1880-1961), <a href="/wiki/National_Party_of_Australia" title="National Party of Australia">Country Party</a> MP and 11th <a href="/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Australia" title="Prime Minister of Australia">Prime Minister of Australia</a> April 1939. {{PD-Australia-CC}} Source - http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/images/portraits/A110127.jpg)

This image was moved to Wikimedia Commons from en.wikipedia using a bot script. All source information is still present. It requires review because CommonSense could not categorise the image during transfer. Additionally, there may be errors in any or all of the information fields; information on this image should not be considered reliable and the image should not be used until it has been reviewed and any needed corrections have been made. Once the review has been completed, this template should be removed. For details, see below.

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aktualny00:13, 26 wrz 2007250×345 (24 kB)BetacommandBot (Transwiki approved by: w:en:User:Anetode This image was copied from wikipedia:en. The original description was: w:en:Earle Page (1880-1961) c1939, Country Party MP and 11th [[w:en:Prime Minister of Australia])

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