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Обсуждение:Бериллий — Википедия


Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Из статьи: «Известны случаи вымирания сотрудников целых лабораторий физиков, работавших с бериллием (бериллиевые фольги прозрачны для рентгеновских лучей)». Ужос! Ужос! --Dart evader (а возможно, Nevermind; а может быть, и ГСБ) 16:04, 29 августа 2006 (UTC)

Regulatory Authority

Carcinogen (Animal Positive, Human Suspected) (IARC)[9] (Suspected) (NTP) Banned or Severely Restricted (UN)[35] Very Toxic Substance (World Bank)[15] Air Pollutant Standard Set (ACGIH)[1] (HSE)[33] (former USSR)[35][43] (OSHA)[58] (Several States)[60] (Australia) (Israel) (Mexico) (Various Canadian Provinces) (Japan) CLEAN WATER ACT: 40CFR423, Appendix A, Priority Pollutants; 40CFR401.15 Section 307 Toxic Pollutants EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER (RCRA No.): P015 RCRA, 40CFR261, Appendix 8 Hazardous Constituents RCRA 40CFR268.48; 61FR15654, Universal Treatment Standards: Wastewater (mg/l), 0.82; Nonwastewater (mg/l), 0.014 TCLP RCRA 40CFR264, Appendix 9; TSD Facilities Ground Water Monitoring List. Suggested test method(s) (PQL µg/l): (total) 6010 (3); 7090 (50); 7091 (2) SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT: MCL, 0.004 mg/l; MCLG, 0.004 mg/l SUPERFUND/EPCRA 40CFR302.4 Reportable Quantity (RQ): CERCLA, 10 lb (4.54 kg). Note: No report required if the diameter of the pieces of solid metal is equal to or exceeds 0.004 inches EPCRA Section 313 Form R de minimis concentration reporting level: 0.1% Canada, WHMIS, Ingredients Disclosure List; CEPA, Schedule 3, Part 2, Ocean Dumping Restriction

Harmful Effects and Symptoms Local: The soluble beryllium salts are Cutaneous sensitizes as well as primary irritants. Contact dermatitis of exposed parts of the body is caused by acid salts as well as primary irritants. Contact dermatitis of exposed parts of the body is caused by acid salts of beryllium. Onset is generally delayed about two weeks from the time of first exposure. Complete recovery occurs following cessation of exposure. Eye irritation and conjunctivitis can occur. Accidental implantation of beryllium metal or crystals of soluble beryllium compound in areas of broken or abraded skin may cause granulomatous lesions. There are hard lesions with a central nonhealing area. Surgical excision of the lesion is necessary. Exposure to soluble beryllium compounds may cause nasopharynigitis, a condition characterized by swollen and edematous mucous membranes, bleeding points, and ulceration. These symptoms are reversible when exposure is terminated.

Systemic: Beryllium and its compounds are highly toxic substances. Entrance to the body is almost entirely by inhalation. The acute systemic effects of exposure to beryllium primarily involve the respiratory tract and are manifest by a nonproductive cough, substernal pain, moderate shortness of breath, and some weight loss. The character and speed of onset of these symptoms, as well as their severity, are dependent on the type and extent of exposure. An intense exposure, although brief, may result in severe chemical pneumonitis with pulmonary edema. Chronic beryllium disease can be classified by its clinical variants according to the disability the disease process produces. (1) Asympromatic nondisabling disease is usually diagnosed only by routine chest-x-ray changes and supported by urinary or tissue assay. (2) In its mildly disabling form, the disease results in some nonproductive cough and dyspnea following unusual levels of exertion. Joint pain and weakness are common complaints. Diagnosis is by x-ray changes. Renal calculi containing beryllium may be a complication. Usually, the patient remains stable for years, but eventually shows evidence of pulmonary or myocardial failure. (3) In its moderately severe disabling form, the disease produces symptoms of distressing cough and shortness of breath, with marked x-ray changes. The liver and spleen are frequently affected, and spontaneous pneumothorax may occur. There is generally weight loss, bone and joint pain, oxygen desaturation, increase in hematocrits, disturbed liver function, hypercalciuria, and spontaneous skin lesions similar to those of Boeck's sarcoid. Lung function studies show measurable decreases in diffusing capacity. Many people in this group survive for years with proper therapy. Bouts of chills and fever carry a bad prognosis. (4) The severely disabling disease will show all of the above mentioned signs and symptoms in addition to severe physical wasting and negative nitrogen balance. Right heart failure may appear causing a severe nonproductive cough which leads to vomiting after meals. Severe lack of oxygen is the predominant problem, and spontaneous pneumothorax can be a serious complication. Death is usually due to pulmonary insufficiency or right heart failure.

Short Term Exposure: Eye or skin contact can cause irritation, itching, and burning. Sometimes an allergic eye problem develops, breaking out with future exposure. Inhalation overexposure can severely irritate the airways and lungs, causing nasal discharge, tightness of the chest, cough, shortness of breath, and/or fever. Death can occur in severe cases. Seek prompt medical attention. Future exposures can cause further attacks. Symptoms may be delayed for days following exposure. Some persons later develop lung scarring after such exposures.

Long Term Exposure: Be is a probable cancer causing agent in humans. There is some evidence that it causes lung and bone cancer in humans and animals. High or repeated exposure can permanently scar the lungs or other body organs. If Be particles get under cuts in the skin, ulcers or lumps can develop; these must be surgically removed. Allergic skin rashes can occur. High or repeated exposure can cause kidney stones to develop.

Points of Attack: Skin, eyes, respiratory system, lungs, liver, spleen, heart.

Medical Surveillance: Preemployment history and physical examinations for worker applicants should include chest x-rays, baseline pulmonary function tests (FVC and FEV1), and measurement of body weight. Beryllium workers should receive a periodic health evaluation that includes: spirometry (FVC and FEV1), medical history questionnaire directed toward respiratory symptoms and a chest x-ray, blood/urine trace metals. General health, liver and kidney functions, and possible effects of the skin should be evaluated. See NIOSH Criteria Document 72-10268.

First Aid: If this chemical gets into the eyes, remove any contact lenses at once and irrigate immediately for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting upper and lower lids. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical contacts the skin, remove contaminated clothing and wash immediately with soap and water. Seek medical attention immediately. If this chemical has been inhaled, remove from exposure, begin rescue breathing (using universal precautions) if breathing has stopped and CPR if heart action has stopped. Transfer promptly to a medical facility. When this chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention. Give large quantities of water and induce vomiting. Do not make an unconscious person vomit.

Personal Protective Methods: Work areas should be monitored to limit and control levels of exposure. Personnel samplers are recommended. Good housekeeping, proper maintenance, and engineering control of processing equipment and technology are essential. The importance of safe work practices and personal hygiene should be stressed. When beryllium levels exceed the accepted standards, the workers should be provided with respiratory protective devices of the appropriate class, as determined on the basis of the actual or projected atmospheric concentration of airborne beryllium at the worksite. Protective clothing should be provided all workers who are subject to exposure in excess of the standard. This should include shoes or protective shoe covers as well as other clothing. The clothing should be reissued clean on a daily basis. Workers should shower following each shift prior to change to street clothes.

Respirator Selection: NIOSH: At any detectable concentration: SCBAF:PD,PP (any MSHA/NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode); or SAF:PD,PP:ASCBA (any supplied-air respirator that has a full facepiece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary, self-contained breathing apparatus operated in a pressure-demand or other positive pressure mode). Escape: HiEF [any air-purifying, full-facepiece respirator (gas mask) with a chin-style, front- or back-mounted organic vapor canister having a high-efficiency particulate filter]; or SCBAE (any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus).

Storage: Beryllium must be stored to avoid contact with oxidizers (such as perchlorates, peroxides, permanganates, chlorates and nitrates), and strong acids (such as hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric) since violent reactions occur. Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, well-ventilated area away from heat. Protect storage containers from physical damage. Use only non-sparking tools, and equipment, especially when opening and closing containers of Beryllium. A regulated, marked area should be established where this chemical is handled, used, or stored in compliance with OSHA standard 1910.1045.

Shipping: Beryllium powder should bear a label of "Poison, Flammable Solid." It falls in UN/DOT Hazard Class 6.1 and Packing Group II.[19][20]

Spill Handling: Evacuate and restrict persons not wearing protective equipment from area of spill or leak until cleanup is complete. Remove all ignition sources. Collect powdered material in the most convenient and safe manner and deposit in sealed containers. Ventilate area of spill or leak after clean-up is complete. It may be necessary to contain and dispose of this chemical as a hazardous waste. If material or contaminated runoff enters waterways, notify downstream users of potentially contaminated waters. Contact your Department of Environmental Protection or your regional office of the federal EPA for specific recommendations. If employees are required to clean-up spills, they must be properly trained and equipped. OSHA 1910.120(q) may be applicable.

Fire Extinguishing: Be is a combustible solid. Smother fire with dry sand, dry clay, dry ground limestone, or use approved Class "D" extinguishers (NFPA). Do not use carbon dioxide or hologenated extinguishing agents. Do not use water. Poisonous gases including beryllium oxide fume are produced in fire. If material or contaminated runoff enters waterways, notify downstream users of potentially contaminated waters. Notify local health and fire officials and pollution control agencies. From a secure, explosion-proof location, use water spray to cool exposed containers. If cooling streams are ineffective (venting sound increases in volume and pitch, tank discolors, or shows any signs of deforming), withdraw immediately to a secure position. If employees are expected to fight fires, they must be trained and equipped in OSHA 1910.156.

Disposal Method Suggested: For beryllium (powder), waste should be converted into chemically inert oxides using incineration and particulate collection techniques. These oxides should be returned to suppliers if possible. Recovery and recycle is an alternative to disposal for beryllium scrap and pickle liquors containing beryllium.[22]

References National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Beryllium, NIOSH Doc. 72-10268, Washington, DC (1972)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Beryllium: Ambient Water Quality Criteria, Washington, DC (1979)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Toxicology of Metals, Vol. 2: Beryllium, Report No. EPA-600/1-77-022, Research Triangle Park, pp 85–109 (May 1977)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Reviews of the Environmental Effects of Pollutants, VI, Beryllium, Report EPA-600/1-78-028, Cincinnati, Ohio, Health Effects Research Laboratory (1978)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Beryllium, Health and Environmental Effects Profile No. 22, Washington, DC, Office of Solid Waste (April 30, 1980)

New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, "Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet: Beryllium (Dust and Powder)," Trenton, NJ (July 1998)

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. Public Health Service, "Toxicological Profile for Beryllium," Atlanta, Georgia, ATSDR (October 1987)

Sax, N. I., Ed., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report" 2, No. 2, 13–14 (1982)

Sax, N. I., Ed., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report" 1, No. 1, 33–36 (1980). (Beryllium Fluoride, Oxide and Sulfate)

Sax, N. I., Ed., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report" 2, No. 1, 84–88 (1982). (Beryllium Nitrate and Sulfate)

Sax, N. I., Ed., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report" 3, No. 5, 59–61 (1983). (Beryllium Chloride)

Sax, N. I., Ed., "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials Report" 3, No. 5, 61–64 (1983). (Beryllium Fluoride)

Note: Beryllium Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate and Oxide are the subject of fact sheets from the State of New Jersey, quite similar to one another. Also, the Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate and Oxide are the topics of articles cited above. To avoid duplication, separate entries for those four compounds are therefore not included here.

Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens (4th Edition) Copyright© 2002 by Noyes Publications & William Andrew Publishing

немного инфы--Jaro.p 12:11, 22 ноября 2006 (UTC)

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