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Изображение:Go position, life and death, 1.png — Википедия

Изображение:Go position, life and death, 1.png

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

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An example of life and death. I'm quite proud of the stones in this image. The shading is done according to the Lambertian diffuse lighting model. Notice the shadows! Now that the code is figured out, it's trivial to set up other Go configurations Just ask!

To make this image, save the following Metapost program as go.mp:

scale=0.6in;   % scale is the diameter of a stone
linethickness = scale/25;
pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;
num = 150;  % Levels of shading in each stone.

color shadow;
shadow = (0.44,0.36,0.18);

lx = -0.35;
ly = 0.35;
lz = sqrt(1-lx*lx-ly*ly);
  % light source direction vector.
  % note that lz = cos(ltip).
ltheta = angle(lx, ly);
ltip = angle(lz, lx++ly);
  % the angle at which the light source is tipped.

path ellipse;
ellipse := fullcircle scaled scale xscaled lz;

% First, we draw the black stone, and a special version for the bottom row:
picture blackstone;
blackstone = currentpicture;
picture blackstoneb;
blackstoneb = currentpicture;

addto blackstone contour fullcircle scaled scale
  shifted (0.05*scale*dir(ltheta+180)) 
  withcolor shadow;
addto blackstoneb contour fullcircle scaled scale
  shifted (0.05*scale*dir(ltheta+180)) 
  withcolor shadow;
addto blackstone doublepath (0.55*scale,0)--(0,0)--(0,-0.55*scale)
  withpen currentpen;
addto blackstoneb doublepath (0.55*scale,0)--(0,0)
  withpen currentpen;
addto blackstone contour fullcircle scaled scale;
addto blackstoneb contour fullcircle scaled scale;

for ratio = 1 step -1/num until 0 :
  path ourellipse;
  ourellipse = ellipse scaled ratio
    shifted (scale*(1+-+ratio)*sind(ltip)/2, 0)
    rotated ltheta;

  addto blackstone contour ourellipse withcolor (0.7*(1+-+ratio)**2*white);
  addto blackstoneb contour ourellipse withcolor (0.7*(1+-+ratio)**2*white);

% Next, we draw a white stone, and a special version for the bottom row:
picture whitestone;
whitestone = currentpicture;
picture whitestoneb;
whitestoneb = currentpicture;

basewhite = 0.7;
addto whitestone contour fullcircle scaled scale
  shifted (0.05*scale*dir(ltheta+180)) 
  withcolor shadow;
addto whitestoneb contour fullcircle scaled scale
  shifted (0.05*scale*dir(ltheta+180)) 
  withcolor shadow;
addto whitestone doublepath (0.55*scale,0)--(0,0)--(0,-0.55*scale)
   withpen currentpen;
addto whitestoneb doublepath (0.55*scale,0)--(0,0) withpen currentpen;
addto whitestone contour fullcircle scaled scale
   withcolor (basewhite*white);
addto whitestoneb contour fullcircle scaled scale
   withcolor (basewhite*white);

for ratio = 1 step -1/num until 0 :
  path ourellipse;
  ourellipse = ellipse scaled ratio
    shifted (scale*(1+-+ratio)*sind(ltip)/2, 0)
    rotated ltheta;

  addto whitestone contour ourellipse withcolor
    (basewhite + (1-basewhite)*((1+-+ratio)**4))*white;
  addto whitestoneb contour ourellipse withcolor
    (basewhite + (1-basewhite)*((1+-+ratio)**4))*white;

boardwidth = 8;
boardheight = 7;
  % the lower left 8-by-7 positions of a go board.

def drawboard = 
  pickup pencircle scaled linethickness;
  fill unitsquare xscaled ((boardwidth+0.2)*scale)
    yscaled ((boardheight+0.2)*scale) shifted (-0.6*scale, -0.6scale)
    withcolor (0.86,0.70,0.36);
  for i = 0 upto boardwidth - 1 :
    draw (scale*i,0) -- (scale*i, (boardheight-0.4)*scale);
  for j = 0 upto boardheight - 1 :
    draw (0,scale*j) -- ((boardwidth-0.4)*scale,scale*j);

def wh(expr x, y) =
  if y = 0 :
    draw whitestoneb shifted (x*scale, y*scale);
  else :
    draw whitestone shifted (x*scale, y*scale);
def bl(expr x, y) =
  if y = 0 :
    draw blackstoneb shifted (x*scale, y*scale);
  else :
    draw blackstone shifted (x*scale, y*scale);
def lab(expr num, x, y, color) =
  draw thelabel(num, (0, 0)) scaled (0.75*scale/10pt)
    shifted (x*scale, y*scale) withcolor color;



  lab("1", 1, 1, white);



  lab("2", 3, 0, black);
  lab("3", 2, 1, white);
  lab("4", 3, 1, black);



  lab("5", 4, 2, white);
  lab("6", 0, 2, black);
  lab("7", 1, 0, white);
  lab("8", 0, 1, black);
  lab("9", 5, 1, white);



  lab("10", 0, 3, black);
  lab("11", 5, 0, white);
  lab("12", 0, 0, black);
  lab("13", 4, 0, white);

Compile with mpost, producing go.1, go.2, go.3, and go.4. Save the following as go.tex:


To get the font for the numbers, you have to digest Metapost's output through TeX. The following Bash command accomplishes that:

for i in 1 2 3 4; do latex "\def\fig{go.$i} \input go"; dvips go.dvi -o go.$i.ps; done

You now have go.1.ps through go.4.ps. Open in Gimp, resolution 400, "try bounding box", weak anti-aliasing. Crop at (826, 698), width = 1969, height = 1729. Save as PNG.

I, the author of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses:
GNU head Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

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