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The Aeroplane Flies High - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

The Aeroplane Flies High

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

The Aeroplane Flies High
Box Set de The Smashing Pumpkins
Lanzamiento 1996
Grabación 1995
Género Rock
Duración 138:53
Discográfica (s) Virgin Records
Productor(es) Billy Corgan, James Iha, D'Arcy Wretzky, Alan Moulder y Flood
Calificación profesional
AMG Imagen:3_out_of_5.png enlace
Cronología de The Smashing Pumpkins
Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness
The Aeroplane Flies High Adore

Es una recopilación de los CD-Singles del disco Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadnessde la banda estadounidense The Smashing Pumpkins, en total son 5 los CD-Singles los cuales son Bullet With Butterfly Wings, 1979, Zero, Tonight, Tonight y Thirty-three

Lista de Canciones

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Bullet With Butterfly Wings

  1. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
  2. ...Said Sadly
  3. You're All I've Got Tonight
  4. Clones (We're All)
  5. A Night Like This
  6. Destination Unknown
  7. Dreaming


  • ...Said Sadly es interpretada a dudo por James Iha y Nina Gordon cantante de Veruca Salt.
  • You're All I've Got Tonight es original de The Cars.
  • Clones (We're All) es original de Alice Cooper.
  • A Night Like This es original de The Cure y es interpretada por James Iha.
  • Destination Unknown es original de Missing Persons.
  • Dreaming es original de Blondie.

[editar] 1979

  1. 1979
  2. Ugly
  3. The Boy
  4. Cherry
  5. Belive
  6. Set the Ray to Jerry


  • The Boy es interpretada por James Iha.
  • Belive es interpretada por James Iha.
  • Belive aparece también en el Judas 0.
  • Set the Ray to Jerry aparece también en el Judas 0.

[editar] Zero

  1. Zero
  2. God
  3. Mouths of Babes
  4. Tribute to Johnny
  5. Marquis in Spades
  6. Pennies
  7. Pastichio Medley
  • Medley es una palabra inglesa que traducida al castellano sería colección de diferentes cosas, que forman algo unitario; la canción Pastichio Medley dura 23 minutos y tiene partes de 70 distintas canciones, las cuales son "The Demon", "Thunderbolt", "Dearth", "Knuckles", "Star Song", "Firepower", "New Waver", "Space Jam", "Zoom", "So Very Sad About Us", "Phang", "Speed Racer", "The Eternal E", "Hairy Eyeball", "The Groover", "Hell Bent for Hell", "Rachel", "A Dog's Prayer", "Blast", "The Black Rider", "Slurpee", "Flipper", "The Viper", "Bitch", "Fried", "Harmonia", "U.S.A.", "The Tracer", "Envelope Woman", "Plastic Guy", "Glasgow 3am", "The Road Is Long", "Funkified", "Rigamarole", "Depresso", "The Streets Are Hot Tonite", "Dawn At 16", "Spazmatazz", "Fucker", "In the Arms of Sheep", "Speed", "77", "Me Rock You Snow", "Feelium", "Is Alex Milton", "Rubberman", "Spacer", "Rock Me", "Weeping Willowly", "Rings", "So So Pretty", "Lucky Lad", "Jackboot", "Millieu", "Disconnected", "Let Your Lazer Love Light Shine Down", "Phreak", "Porkbelly", "Robot Lover", "Jimmy James", "America", "Slinkeepie", "Dummy Tum Tummy", "Fakir", "Jake", "Camaro", "Moonkids", "Make It Fungus", "V-8", "Die".
  • Tribute to Johny es un homenage al guitarrista Johnny Winter
  • Marquis in Spades aparece también en el Judas 0

[editar] Tonight, Tonight

  1. Tonight, Tonight
  2. Meladori Magpie
  3. Rotten Apples
  4. Medellia of the Grey Skies
  5. Jupiter's Lament
  6. Blank
  7. Tonite Reprise


[editar] Thirty-three

  1. Thirty-three
  2. The Last Song
  3. The Aeroplane Flies High (Turns Left, Looks Right)
  4. Transformer
  5. The Bells
  6. My Blue Heaven


  • El padre de Billy Corgan tocó la guitarra durante la grabación de The Last Song.

Jimmy Chamberlin | Billy Corgan
Kenny Aronoff | Melissa Auf der Maur | Dennis Flemion | Mike Garson | James Iha | Jonathan Melvoin | Matt Walker | D'arcy Wretzky
Álbumes: Gish | Siamese Dream | Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness | Adore | MACHINA/The Machines of God |

MACHINA II/The Friends & Enemies of Modern Music

Compilados: Lull | Peel Sessions | Siamese Singles | Pisces Iscariot | The Aeroplane Flies High | Still Becoming Apart | Earphoria |

Live at Cabaret Metro 10-5-88 | Rotten Apples | Judas 0 | Rarities and B-Sides

Singles: I Am One | Tristessa | Siva | Rhinoceros | Cherub Rock | Today | Disarm | Rocket | Bullet With Butterfly Wings | 1979 | Zero | Tonight, Tonight | Thirty-Three | The End Is the Beginning Is the End | Ava Adore | Perfect | The Everlasting Gaze | Stand Inside Your Love | Try, Try, Try | Untitled
Vieuphoria | Greatest Hits Video Collection 1991-2000
Artículos relacionados
Butch Vig | Jimmy Chamberlin Complex | Let It Come Down | Mashed Potaoes | Rock alternativo | Sub Pop | TheFutureEmbrace | Virgin Records | Zwan
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