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Wikiprojekt:Warcraft/wszystkie hasła

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[edytuj] 1000 Haseł związanych z Warcraftem

Edycja druga, w pierwszej nazbierałem 135 ale były nie uporządkowane.

[edytuj] Gry (13)

  1. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
  2. Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
  3. Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
  4. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
  5. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  6. World of Warcraft
  7. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
  8. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
  9. Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans
  10. Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game
  11. World of Warcraft: Trading Card Game
  12. Warcraft: Board Game
  13. World of Warcraft: The Board Game

[edytuj] Książki(12)

  1. Warcraft: Dzień Smoka
  2. Warcraft: Ostatni strażnik
  3. Warcraft: Władca klanów
  4. Warcraft: Z krwi i honoru
  5. Warcraft: Wojna Starożytnych
    1. Księga pierwsza: Studnia Wieczności
    2. Księga druga: Dusza Demona
    3. Book Three: The Sundering
  6. Warcraft: Trylogia Słonecznej Studni
  7. World of Warcraft: Krąg nienawiści
  8. World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde
  9. World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness

[edytuj] Światy(7)

  1. Azeroth
  2. Outland
  3. Argus
  4. Twisting Nether
  5. Xoroth
  6. K'aresh
  7. Emerald Dream

[edytuj] Krainy(50)

  1. Hellfire Peninsula
  2. Shadowmoon Valley
  3. Nagrand
  4. Netherstorm
  5. Terokkar Forest
  6. Blade's Edge Mountains
  7. Zangarmarsh
  8. Teldrassil
  9. Ashenvale
  10. Darkshore
  11. Felwood
  12. Moonglade
  13. Winterspring
  14. Azshara (kraina w WoW)
  15. The Barrens
  16. Stonetalon Mountains
  17. Durotar
  18. Mulgore
  19. Desolace
  20. Mount Hyjal
  21. Dustwallow Marsh
  22. Feralas
  23. Silithus
  24. Tanaris
  25. Thousand Needles
  26. Un'Goro Crater
  27. Tirisfal Glades
  28. Silverpine Forest
  29. Gilneas
  30. Alterac Mountains
  31. Hillsbrad Foothills
  32. Arathi Highlands
  33. The Hinterlands
  34. The Plaguelands
  35. Ghostlands
  36. Eversong Woods
  37. Dun Morogh
  38. Searing Gorge
  39. Badlands
  40. Loch Modan
  41. Wetlands
  42. Elwynn Forest
  43. Westfall
  44. Redridge Mountains
  45. Duskwood
  46. Stranglethorn Vale
  47. Deadwind Pass
  48. The Swamp of Sorrows
  49. The Blasted Lands
  50. The Burning Steppes

[edytuj] Instancje(62)

  1. Blackfathom Deeps
  2. Caverns of Time
  3. Dire Maul
  4. Maraudon
  5. Onyxia's Lair
  6. Ragefire Chasm
  7. Razorfen Downs
  8. Razorfen Kraul
  9. Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
  10. Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
  11. The Wailing Caverns
  12. Zul'Farrak
  13. Blackrock Depths
  14. Blackrock Spire
  15. Blackwing Lair
  16. The Deadmines
  17. Gnomeregan
  18. Karazhan
  19. Molten Core
  20. Naxxramas
  21. Scarlet Monastery
  22. Scholomance
  23. Shadowfang Keep
  24. Stormwind Stockade
  25. Stratholme
  26. The Temple of Atal'Hakkar
  27. Uldaman
  28. Zul'Aman
  29. Zul'Gurub
  30. Auchindoun
    1. Mana-Tombs
    2. Auchenai Crypts
    3. Sethekk Halls
    4. Shadow Labyrinth
  31. Black Temple
  32. Coilfang Reservoir
    1. The Slave Pens
    2. The Underbog
    3. The Steamvault
    4. Serpentshrine Cavern
  33. Gruul's Lair
  34. Hellfire Citadel
    1. Hellfire Ramparts
    2. Blood Furnance
    3. The Shattered Halls
    4. Magtheridon's Lair
  35. Tempest Keep
    1. The Botanica
    2. The Mechanar
    3. The Arcatraz
    4. The Eye
  36. Utgarde Keep
  37. Azjol-Nerub
  38. Grizzlemaw
  39. Icecrown Citadel
  40. Nexus
  41. Ulduar
  42. Ice Caverns
  43. Alterac Valley
  44. Arathi Basin
  45. Eye of Netherstorm
  46. Warsong Gulch

[edytuj] Miasta(22)

[edytuj] Stolice(18)

  1. The Exodar
  2. Stormwind City
  3. Darnassus
  4. Ironforge
  5. Silvermoon City
  6. Thunder Bluff
  7. The Undercity
  8. Orgrimmar
  9. Gnomeregan
  10. Undermine
  11. Zul'Gurub
  12. Azjol-Nerub
  13. Gun'Drak
  14. Zul'Aman
  15. Zul'Farrak
  16. Pandaria
  17. Stormspire
  18. Shattrath City

[edytuj] Mniejsze miasta(4)

  1. Aerie Peak
  2. Dalaran
  3. Ru'theran Village
  4. Auberdine

[edytuj] Postacie(141)

  1. A'dal
  2. Aedelas Blackmoore
  3. Aegwynn
  4. Akama
  5. Aku'mai
  6. Alexstrasza
  7. Alleria Windrunner
  8. Aman'thul
  9. Anasterian Sunstrider
  10. Anduin Lothar
  11. Anetheron
  12. Antonidas
  13. Anub'arak
  14. Anveena Teague
  15. Arator the Redeemer
  16. Archimonde
  17. Arthas Menethil
  18. Azgalor
  19. Azshara
  20. Balnazzar
  21. Baine Bloodhoof
  22. Baron Rivendare
  23. Blackhand
  24. The Black Stalker
  25. Broxigar
  26. Cairne Bloodhoof
  27. Captain Placeholder
  28. Cenarius
  29. Chen Stormstout
  30. Cho'gall
  31. C'thun
  32. Daelin Proudmoore
  33. Dagran Thaurissan
  34. Danath Trollbane
  35. Dar'Khan Drathir
  36. Dath'Remar Sunstrider
  37. Dentarg
  38. Detheroc
  39. Drek'Thar
  40. Durotan
  41. Edwin VanCleef
  42. Elune
  43. Eranikus
  44. Falstad Dragonreaver
  45. Finnall Goldensword
  46. Forgotten One
  47. Grand Marshal Garithos
  48. Garona
  49. Garrosh Hellscream
  50. Gazlowe
  51. Griselda (Warcraft)
  52. Grom Hellscream
  53. Gryan Stoutmantle
  54. Gul'dan
  55. Guthal Wrathtotem
  56. Hakkar the Soulflayer
  57. Halduron Brightwing
  58. Hamuul Runetotem
  59. Helcular
  60. Herod (Warcraft)
  61. Highlord Kruul
  62. High Tinker Mekkatorque
  63. Illidan Stormrage
  64. Jarod Shadowsong
  65. Kael'thas Sunstrider
  66. Kargath Bladefist
  67. Kel'Thuzad
  68. Khadgar
  69. Khanzo
  70. Khaz'goroth
  71. Kil'jaeden
  72. Kilrogg Deadeye
  73. Kilnar Goldensword
  74. King Llane
  75. Korialstrasz
  76. Kurdran Wildhammer and Sky'ree
  77. Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker
  78. Lor'themar Theron
  79. Magatha Grimtotem
  80. Magni Miedziobrody
  81. Magtheridon
  82. Maiev Shadowsong
  83. Mal'Ganis
  84. Malfurion Stormrage
  85. Malygos
  86. Mannoroth
  87. Medivh
  88. Mekgineer Thermaplugg
  89. Mephistroth
  90. Misha
  91. Highlord Mograine the Ashbringer
  92. Muradin Miedziobrody
  93. Naisha
  94. Naz'grel
  95. Nefarian
  96. Nekros Skullcrusher (Senior)
  97. Nek'rosh Skullcrusher
  98. Neltharion
  99. Ner'zhul
  100. Nilas Arcanister
  101. Nozdormu
  102. Onyxia
  103. Orgrim Doomhammer
  104. Renault Mograine
  105. Razorgore the Untamed
  106. Rend and Maim
  107. Rexxar
  108. Rhonin
  109. Rokhan
  110. Sapphiron
  111. Sargeras
  112. Saridormi
  113. Sen'Jin
  114. Shandris Feathermoon
  115. The Prophet Skeram
  116. Stalvan Mistmantle
  117. Sylvanas Windrunner
  118. Tagar Spinebreaker
  119. Tandred Proudmoore
  120. Taretha Foxton
  121. Terenas Menethil
  122. Terokk
  123. Teron Gorefiend
  124. Thrall
  125. Tichondrius
  126. Tirion Fordring
  127. Turalyon
  128. Tyranastrasz
  129. Tyrande Whisperwind
  130. Uther the Lightbringer
  131. Vaelastrasz
  132. Varimathras
  133. Lady Vashj
  134. Velen
  135. Vereesa Windrunner
  136. Vol'Jin
  137. Lord Xavius
  138. Xi'ri
  139. Ysera
  140. Zul'Jin
  141. Zuluhed the Whacked

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