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Gudur - Wikipédia


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Gudur is located in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh.

Predefinição:Infobox Capital IN


[editar] History

The roots of the town started during Chola Dynasty.

It is believed that Cholas constructed Alaganatha Swamy temple. Later the town developed around this temple.

Satavahanas, Cholas, Pallavas, Telugu Chodas, Kakatiyas, Vijayanagara kings, Golkonda Nawabs ruled this area.

[editar] Geografia

The railroad divides the city into two parts: East town and West town. Main businesses are concentrated in East town. West town is mainly residential area and is relatively new.

There two small seasonal rivers Pambaleru and ChallaKaluva in the town.

Mica belt around Gudur is considered the 2nd biggest in the country. The mica deposits are located in area covering Gudur, Rapur and Atmakur mandals of the Nellore district. Muscovite, Quartz, Feldspar and Vermiculite type of mica are found around this area.

The eastern part of town is flooded often in rainy season and people are facing hardships, thanks to visionless authorities and uncontrolled swamping of fields by people. Flies and mosquitoes are present around the year especially at Poolathota and East Street.

Gudur is surrounded by lemon trees. So, lemon business has become one of the most successful business in Gudur. Lemons are exported to almost all parts of the Country.

[editar] Climate

Gudur is very hot in summer. The town is quite frequently affected by cyclones and has almost non existent winter. Gudur's heat is just amazing! The weather is hot and sultry most of the year. Best Season: October to March. The eastern part of town is flooded often in rainy season with people facing hardships, thanks to visionless authorities and uncontrolled swamping of fields by people. Flies and mosquitoes are present around the year especially at Poolathota and East Street.

[editar] Economy

Gudur is famous for Mica, Lemon, Acqua culture.

  • Mica
  • Lemon
  • Aquaculture
  • Agriculture

[editar] Markets and shopping areas

  • Lemon Market
  • Vegetable Market
  • Meat and Fish market
  • Live Stock market

[editar] Transport

Gudur is accessible by road and rail road.

[editar] Road

Gudur is located on National Highway 5. It is being upgraded to a four-lane highway. This reduced the travel time to Chennai and Nellore. With in the town the roads are very narrow and maintained poorly. Most of the town is accessible by walk. Bicycles and motor cycles are the preferred mode of personal transportation vehicles. Manual Rikshaws are available for hire round the clock. Autorickshaws are picking up recently but they are mainly serving to the people traveling to villages around the town.

Few private buses provide transportation to the nearby cities/Villages. The public transportation is provided by State Government. State government operated vehicles covers even very remote areas.

[editar] Railway

Gudur is a railway junction, located between Chennai and Vijayawada, Connects Tirupathi.

[editar] Air

Chennai airport is the nearest major domestic/International Airport. There is another small domestic airport located in Renigunta.

[editar] Language

Telugu is the main language for communication in town. Tamil, Urdu and Hindi are understood in the railway station as it is a big railway junction and people of all languages travel through this station. Relatively Small chunk of the population can understand or/and speak English English.

[editar] Festivals

  • Dussehra
  • Vinayaka Chavithi

[editar] Educational Institutes

[editar] Convents

[editar] Elementary schools

[editar] Upper Primary Schools

[editar] High schools

  • Zilla Parishad Boys High School
  • Zilla Parishad Girls High School
  • Chillakuru Seshamma High School
  • GVS Sankaraiah Memorial School
  • CAM High School
  • Little Angles Public School
  • Prospero English Medium School

[editar] Technical Training Institues

  • Government Polytechnic College

[editar] Degree Colleges

[editar] Engineering Colleges

  • Narayana Engineering College
  • Audishankara Engineering college

[editar] Places of Worship

Major Hindu Temples in the town

  • Alaganatha Swamy Temple
  • Prasanna Venkateswara temple
  • Srikrishna Dhramaraja Swamy Temple
  • Kodandarama Temple
  • Chennakesava Temple
  • Moola Staneswara Temple (Shiva Temple)
  • Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari Temple
  • Shirdi Saibaba Temple
  • Puttaparti Saibaba Temple
  • Jain Temple
  • Sri Krishna Temple


  • Nalajalamma Temple
  • Narayanamma Temple

Graama Shakti

  • Thalamma

Missionary Branches

  • A center of Ramachandraji Mission
  • A center of Prajapita Brahma Kumari Eswariya Viswa Vidhyalayam


  • Brahmam gari matham
  • Krishnadas Matham

[editar] Parks

  • Enuga Narahari Reddy Park
  • CVC Park
  • Potti Sriramulu Park

[editar] Industries

[1] Nelcast Palm Oil Industry

[2] Micafab India Pvt. Ltd


[editar] Places near by

[editar] Media & Entertainment

Gudur is served by two TV Channels

  • Sivabhi Channel
  • UCN Channel.

Most people in town has Cable TV connections.

Telugu , English, Hindi, Tamil news papers are available.

Town has couple of its own local news papers. They are bit irregular.

Most people spend their time either watching TV, going to Movies or attending to temples.

[editar] Sports

  • Cricket and hockey are played at Alluru Audi Seshareddy Stadium
  • PR Club Conducts Chess competitions every year
  • PR Club has Tennis Court.
  • Royal Cricket Club - Popular Youth cricket community .

[editar] Administration

The town is governed by the municipality, led by a chairperson, and composed of 15 elected councilors. The town is divided into wards from which councilors are elected.

[editar] Clubs

[editar] Famous people

Dr. Narasimhulu, ophthalmologist Dr. C R Reddy Mr. Patra Prakasarao, Current MLA

[editar] External links

Estado de Andhra Pradesh
Capital Haiderabade
Distritos AdilabadAnantapurChittoorGodavari OrientalGunturHaiderabadeKadapaKarimnagarKhammamKrishnaKurnoolMahbubnagarMedakNalgondaNelloreNizamabadPrakasamRangareddiSrikakulam • Visakhapatnam • Vizianagaram • Warangal • Godavari Ocidental
Maiores cidades AnantapurAdoni • Chittoor • KadapaEluruGunturKakinadaKarimnagarKhammamKurnoolMachilipatnamNandyalNalgondaNelloreNizamabadOngoleProddaturRamagundamRajahmundry • Sangareddi • SecunderabadSrikakulamTirupatiVijayawadaVizianagaramVisakhapatnamWarangal

Predefinição:States and territories of India

Outras línguas
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