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Lista de obras steampunk - Wikipédia

Lista de obras steampunk

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

Esta é uma lista de obras do gênero steampunk, de ficção científica ambientada no passado.


[editar] Impressos

[editar] Steampunk Moderno

  • Age of Unreason Trilogy, de Gregory Keyes
  • Anti-Ice, de Stephen Baxter
  • The Anubis Gates, de Tim Powers
  • Automated Alice, de Jeff Noon
  • The Difference Engine, de William Gibson & Bruce Sterling
  • L'équilibre des paradoxes, de Michel Pagel
  • The Grand Ellipse, de Paula Volsky
  • Greatwinter trilogy,, de Sean McMullen
  • Homunculus, de James Blaylock
  • Infernal Devices, de K. W. Jeter
  • Jack Faust, de Michael Swanwick
  • The Light Ages, House of Storms, de Ian R. MacLeod
  • Lord Kelvin's Machine, de James Blaylock
  • Morlock Night, de K. W. Jeter
  • A Nomad of the Time Streams, de Michael Moorcock
  • Pasquale's Angel, de Paul McAuley
  • Perdido Street Station, The Scar, Iron Council, de China Miéville
  • The Steampunk Trilogy, de Paul Di Filippo
  • The Sundowners Series, de James Swallow
  • Titus Alone, de Mervyn Peake (third part of the Gormenghast trilogy)
  • The Woman Between the Worlds, de F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre

[editar] Ficção Científica Semi-Vitoriana

  • The Diamond Age, de Neal Stephenson -- A steampunk-flavored adventure set in a nanotechnological future, with much of the action in a neo-Victorian society
  • The Peshawar Lancers, de S.M. Stirling -- Meteors devastate Europe e America in the 19th century, causing much of the British upper class to flee to India. The story is set in 2025 in a thoroughly Indianized Angrezi Raj (British Empire), with its capital in Delhi.
  • Queen Victoria's Bomb, de Ronald Clark -- in the mid 19th century; a physicist gets the idea of isotopic separation after seeing pebbles graded by size on a pebble beach, e makes an atomic bomb. He intends to use it to end the Crimean War, but it never gets used, e no difference is made to history.
  • To Visit the Queen, de Diane Duane -- Interference by the Lone Power results in a contaminated alternate universe in which Victorian Britain has developed (e used) atomic weapons.
  • A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah!, de Harry Harrison -- an alternate history novel written e set in the 1970s in a world where the American Revolution failed e the British Empire is still going strong. It has a nice mix of tecnologias advanced or behind ours, with high powered lasers used for drilling, while Babbage engines are used to do calculations for sub-orbital flights.

[editar] Histórias em Quadrinhos

  • The Adventures of Luther Arkwright e Heart of Empire, or The Legacy of Luther Arkwright, de Bryan Talbot
  • The Amazing Screw-On Head, de Mike Mignola
  • Baker Street, de Gary Reed e Guy Davis
  • Batman: The Doom that Came to Gotham (DC Comics Elseworlds), de Mike Mignola e Troy Nixey
  • Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (DC Comics Elseworlds), de Brian Augustyn e Mike Mignola
  • Batman: Master of the Future (DC Comics Elseworlds) by Augusten e Eduardo Barreto
  • Battle Chasers, de Joe Madureira
  • Les Cités Obscures, de Benoît Peeters e François Schuiten
  • Daisy Kutter, de Kazu Kibuishi
  • The Five Fists of Science, de Matt Fraction e Steven Sanders
  • Girl Genius, de Phil e Kaja Foglio
  • Ironwolf, de Howard Chaykin e Mike Mignola
  • JLA: Age of Wonder (DC Comics Elseworlds), de Adisakdi Tantimedh e Galen Showman
  • Justice Riders (DC Comics Elseworlds), de Chuck Dixon e J.H. Williams III
  • The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1898, de Alan Moore
  • Leviathan, de Ian Edginton e D'Israeli
  • Neotopia, de Rod Espinosa
  • Le Régulateur T1 : Ambrosia, de Corbeyran
  • Scarlet Traces, de Ian Edginton e D'Israeli, seqüência à adaptaçãon de A Guerra dos Mundos
  • Sebastian O (DC Comics Vertigo), de Grant Morrison e Steve Yeowell
  • Steam Detectives manga, de Kia Asamiya
  • Steampunk, de Joe Kelly e Chris Bachalo
  • Texas Steampunk series by Lea Hernandez: Cathedral Child e Clockwork Angels

[editar] RPG Steampunk

  • Brassy's Men by Interactivities Ink (Live action role-playing game)
  • Castle Falkenstein, de Mike Pondsmith
  • Deadlands
  • DragonMech, de Goodman Games
  • Etherscope, de Goodman Games
  • Forgotten Futures
  • GURPS Steampunk, de William H. Stoddard
  • Iron Kingdoms, de Privateer Press
  • Sorcery & Steam, de Fantasy Flight Games
  • Space: 1889
  • Terra Incognita, de Scott Larson (Based on Fudge)
  • Victoriana, de Heresy Gaming
  • Warhammer Fantasy (mostly renaissance e gunpowder age in nature)

[editar] Cinema

OBS.: a maior parte dos filmes listados são relacionados ao steampunk ou pela narrativa ou pelo contexto temático.

[editar] Televisão

  • The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., FOX series
  • The Amazing Screw-On Head (announced 2006 TV series)
  • Arabian Nights (2000 TV series)
  • Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars, The Talons of Weng Chiang, Ghost Light (1989), BBC Books Past Doctor Adventures novel Imperial Moon, de Christopher Bulis;
  • Doctor Who Series 2 (2006): Tooth e Claw, Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel (BBC e Sci-Fi Channel science-fiction series)
  • Five Children e It (1991 series)
  • Fullmetal Alchemist, anime/manga series
  • Jack of All Trades, syndicated series
  • Kino's Journey, anime TV series
  • Last Exile, 2003 anime from Gonzo Digimation
  • Legend, series
  • Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, anime TV series
  • QED, series
  • Read or Die, OVA
  • Reign: The Conqueror (1997/2003 anime miniseries)
  • Sakura Wars, anime TV series
  • The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, Sci Fi Channel series
  • Secret of Cerulean Sand, anime TV series
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, syndicated series
  • Sherlock Hound, 1984 anime TV series
  • Steam Detectives, anime TV series
  • The Wild Wild West, ABC series
  • The Vision of Escaflowne, anime TV series
  • Trigun, anime TV series

[editar] Videogame

  • série Alone in the Dark
  • American McGee's Alice
  • Amerzone
  • Arcanum: of Steamworks e Magick Obscura
  • Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings e the Lost Ocean
  • Chrono Trigger
  • Chrono Cross
  • Clive Barker's Undying
  • Dark Cloud 2
  • Darkwatch
  • Dungeon Siege
    • Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna
  • Final Fantasy
  • GunValkyrie
  • Impossible Creatures
  • Iron Grip
  • série Jak e Daxter
  • série Legacy of Kain
  • Lighthouse
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Martian Memorandum
  • Medievil 2
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  • The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
  • Myst franchise
  • Nightmare Creatures
  • Pandemonium
  • Ragnarok Online
  • Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
  • Rocket Knight Adventures
  • Sakura Wars
  • Septerra Core
  • Shining Force Series
  • SkyGunner
  • Skies Of Arcadia
  • Slouching Towards Bedlam
  • Space: 1889
  • Steamband
  • Steambot Chronicles
  • Steel Empire
  • Syberia
  • Tail Concerto
  • The Chaos Engine
  • The Dark Eye
  • The Longest Journey
  • série Thief
  • Wachenroder
  • Wild ARMs series (Western)
  • Warcraft e série World of Warcraft
  • Worlds of Ultima II: Martian Dreams

[editar] Música

[editar] Álbuns

    • Murder by Death - Who Will Survive, e What Will be Left of Them
    • Ben Houge - Arcanum: Of Steamworks e Magick Obscura Soundtrack
    • Chris Vrenna - American McGee's Alice - Official Soundtrack
    • Vernian Process - Discovery
    • Vernian Process - The Forgotten Age
    • The Dresden Dolls - Debut Studio Album
    • Philip Glass - Glassworks
    • Jill Tracy - Diabolical Streak
    • Arena - Pepper's Ghost
    • Duke Special - Adventures in Gramophone
    • Duke Special - Your Vandal
  • Songs
    • Blood Brothers - "Cecilia e the Silhouette Saloon" from Burn Piano Island, Burn
    • The Smashing Pumpkins - "Tonight Tonight" from Mellon Collie e the Infinite Sadness
    • Modest Mouse - "The Devil's Workday" from Good News for People Who Love Bad News
    • The Faint - "Southern Belles in London Sing" from Wet from Birth
    • Trail of Dead - "Source Tags e Codes" from Source Tags & Codes
    • Trail of Dead - "After the Laughter" from Source Tags & Codes
    • Trail of Dead - "Counting Off The Days" from The Secret of Elena's Tomb

[editar] Videoclipes

[editar] Ver também

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