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Breakdance - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


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Breakdance en la calle
Breakdance en la calle

El Breakdance, también conocido como b-boying, es un estilo de baile urbano que forma parte del movimiento de la cultura hip hop surgido a en las comunidades afroamericanas en la zona sur del Bronx de Nueva York a comienzos de los años 1970 . Es posiblemente el estilo de baile hip hop más conocido. El Breakdance es uno de los llamados cuatro elementos del hip hop, siendo los otros el MCing (o rapping), el DJing (o turntablism) y el Grafiti.

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Orígenes

Se cree que el breakdance, tal y cómo lo vemos hoy en día, comenzó como un método de las bandas rivales del ghetto para resolver disputas por el territorio.[1] En una exhibición de bailes por turnos, el bando ganador era quien podía superar al otro mostrando unos movimientos más complicados y elaborados.

Fue más tarde y a través de las actuaciones llenas de energía de la leyenda del funk James Brown y el auge de los grupos de baile, como por ejemplo los Rock Steady Crew de Nueva York, lo que impulsó que el ritual competitivo de las guerras de bandas se viesen envueltas por un fenómeno de cultura pop, recibiendo una atención masiva por parte de los medios. Fiestas, discotecas, espectáculos y otros eventos públicos se convirtieron en lugares típicos para los bboys, especialmente para los miembros de bandas; bailar era una diversión para las amenazas de la vida urbana.

Aunque su gran popularidad finalmente pierde intensidad en los 1980s, el breakdance permanece como un fenómeno predominante, mostrándose a través de los medios con frecuencia en películas y anuncios. Para los entusiastas del breakdance, es un agradable pasatiempo y, para unos pocos, un deporte serio donde se llevan a cabo exhibiciones anuales y competiciones de todos los niveles[2]

[editar] Etimología

El término break está ampliamente reconovido como derviado de la supuesta "rotura”[3] en una canción que se estaba bailando; justo en la parte rápida y enérgica en la que los bailarines solían lucir sus mejores movimiento. Los DJ's mejoraron la habilidad de prolongar este corte con el uso de multiples platos. En el documental, "The Freshest Kids", sin embargo, el pionero del hip hop DJ Kool Herc propone una derivación alternativa, dando a entender que el argot "break"—una transición hacia la demencia—hace un cumplido a la conducta explosiva de los breakdancer's.

Existe otro término para tipificar la forma de bailar, most notably, "b-boying" o "b-girling". Estos terminos abreviados fueron creados por DJ Kool Herc cuando, durante las actuaciones, gritaba al público "B-boys go down!" invitando a los bailarines a hacer breakdance. Algunos sugieren que la letra "'B'" quizás no corresponde a una palabra específica, por su propia naturaleza, es posible relacionarla con las palabras "Boogie", "Bronx," o "Break."

Pese a que el origin de dicho término aun es mantenido en debate, el nombre "break" fue adaptado finalmente por las masas a principios de los 1980s y tuvo una buena acogida por parte del.

[editar] El baile

El Breakdance es es un baile que combina una serie de ejercicios aeróbicos y un estilo que toma prestado una variedad de formas, movimientos, y maniobras especialmente basadas en las Artes Marciales,Capoeira,Gimnasia y el popular funk. La lista de los movimientos es enorme y requiere una gran práctica y disciplina para llevarse a cabo.

Lista de movimientos de breakdance (en inglés)


El Toprock se refiere a una serie de pasos realizados de pie, siendo estos una mezcla de Capacidades físicas, coordinación, flexibilidad, ritmo, y lo más importante, estilo. El uprock es un estilo competitivo de toprock, que consiste en esencia el retar al breaker del grupo contario en las conocidas batallas o retos de breaker´s.

El Footwork consite en el baile que ejecuta el bboy haciendo un contacto mas cercano con el suelo pero siguiendo la misma linea de creatividad y complejidad para realizar su rutina.

Los Power Moves con los movimientos mas caracterizticos de este baile y los que requieren mas practica, estos movimientos son los giros que realiza el bailarin en su rutina, entre estos movimientos podemos nombrar a el windmill, el backspin, headspin, flear, air flear.

Los Freezes son movimientos acrobaticos que realiza el bailarin al congelar su cuerpo en un alto grado de complejidad, ya sea parado en una mano o en un codo, la intencion del freez es la culminacion de la rutina del bailarin y se califica dependiendo del grado de dificultad del freez.

Las batallas se refieren a un encuentro entre dos grupos de breakers, que se reúnen en un círculo en un espacio abierto y uno a uno realizan en el centro la rutina de baile y cada vez va adquiriendo mayor grado de complejidad las salidas de cada bailarin. En una batalla los grupos pueden realizar coreografias sin perder la esencia del baile, que es la acrobacia. Los ganadores suelen ser los que han realizado la mejor variedad de movimientos.

[editar] En la cultura popular

Since its first inception, breakdancing has provided an youth culture constructive alternative to violent urban street gangs. Today, breakdancing culture is a remarkable discipline somewhere in-between those of dancers and atletas. Since acceptance and involvement centers on dance skills, breakdancing culture is unusually free of the common race, gender and age boundaries of a subcultura and has been accepted worldwide by countries all around.

[editar] La Escena Mundial

Social interaction centers on practice and performance, which are occasionally intertwined because of its improvisational style. While featured at dance schools, breakdancing is very difficult, typically taught to newbies, or beginners, by more experienced breakdancers and passed on to new generations by informal word-of-mouth way.

Because of this, clubs and hip-hop schools do exist, however, but are rare in number and moreso in organization.Because of its functional demands on music and clothing, breakdance culture has become largely separated from popular hip hop since the 1980s. B-Boying has made itself aware to the mainstream crowd, making popular appearances in movies like Zoolander.

[editar] Música

As the cliched quote "break to the beat" insists, music is a staple ingredient for breakdancing. The original songs that popularized the dance form borrow significantly from progressive genres of jazz, soul, funk, disco, and R&B. (See 1970s and 1980s). The most common feature of breakdance music exists in breaks, or compilations formed from samples taken from different songs which are then looped and chained together by the DJ, where the tempo generally ranges between 120 and 135 beats-per-minute with shuffled 16th and quarter beats in the percussive pattern. History credits Kool Dj Herc for the invention of this concept, later termed breakbeat.

The musical selection is not restricted to hip-hop and as long as the tempo and beat pattern conditions are met. It can be readily adapted by varying taste (often with the aid of remixing) to any type of music. World competitions have seen the unexpected progressions and applications of heavily European electronica, and even opera gays.

[editar] Moda

For most breakdancers, fashion is an defining aspect of identity. Breakdancers of the 1980s typically sported flat-soled Adidas, Puma, or Fila shoes with thick, elaborately patterned laces. Some breakdancers matched their hats, shirts, and shoes to show uniformity within a breakdancing crew, and was perceived a threat to the competitor in the form of "strength in numbers."

B-boys also wore nylon tracksuits which were functional as well as fashionable. The slick, low-friction surface allowed the breakdancer to slide on the floor much more readily than if he or she had been wearing a cotton shirt. Hooded nylon jackets allowed dancers to perform head spins and windmills with relative ease. Additionally, the popular image of the original breakdancer always involved a public performance on the street, accompanied by the essential boombox. B-boys today dress differently from b-boys in the 80s, but one constant remains, and that is dressing "fresh". Due to the spread of b-boying as an artform from the inner cities out into the suburbs and to different social groups, different senses of "fresh" have arisen. Generally the rule that one's gear needs to match has remained from the 80s, along with a certain playfulness. Kangols are still worn by some, track pants and nylons still have their place combined with fresh sneakers and hats. Trucker hats were reintroduced on the scene in the late 1990s, well before the mainstream pop culture began wearing them again in numbers.

Function is heavily intertwined with b-boy fashion. Due to the demands on the feet in b-boying, b-boys look for shoes with low weight, good grip, and durability when given pressure to the sole as well as elsewhere. Headwear can facilitate movement with the head on the ground, especially headspins. Bandannas underneath headwear can protect from the discomfort of fabric pulling on hair. And wristbands placed along the arm can lower friction at a particular place as well as provide protection. Today's breakdancing styles which emphasize fast-paced, fluid floor moves and freezes, different from that of two decades ago, requires more freedom of movement in the upper body, so less baggy upperwear is more common today (though pants remain baggy).

There are dancers and crews that now have begun to dress in a style similar to "goth" or punk rockers in order to stand out from the more traditional toned-down b-boy look.

Certain clothing brands have been associated with breaking. Tribal is an example. Puma is also well known in the breaking community. Both brands sponsor many b-boy events.

But aside from these generalities, many b-boys choose not to try too hard to dress for breaking, because in a certain sense one would want to be able to break anytime, anywhere, whatever the circumstances. This is related to why many would rather learn headspins without a helmet, despite it being able tsole]] game which aims at an unadulterated depiction of breakdancing[4]

[editar] Exposición en los Medios

In the 1980s, with the help of pop culture and MTV, breakdancing made its way from the suburbs to the rest of the world as a new cultural phenomenon. Musicians such as Michael Jackson popularized much of the breakdancing style in their music videos. Movies such as Flashdance, Wild Style, Beat Street, Breakin' and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo also contributed to breakdancing's growing appeal. Today, many b-boys and former breakers are disappointed by the media hype that watered the dance down into money and overfocus on power moves. Finally though, Breaking was given its proper respect in the critically acclaimed feature documentary film; The Freshest Kids - a history of the b-boy. The film captured the true essence of the culture and also accurately traced the origin and evolution of the dance and its place within the Hip Hop movement.

[editar] Referencias de los medios de masas al Breakdance

  • Buffalo Gals (Malcolm McLaren music video. 1982): The first breakdancing video on MTV, that brought hip hop to the mainstream, most noticeably in Europe.
  • Flashdance (Movie. 1983): features an appearance by the Rock Steady Crew and a stunt breakdance stand-in for the main character.
  • Breakin' (Movie. 1984): The first movie all about breakdancing
  • Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (Movie. 1984).
  • It's Like That by Run DMC (Music Video. 1997): Quite possibly the dance video responsible for breakdancing's return to mainstream culture. The recording, though seemingly unrelated to the harsh themes of the song, features a comical battle between two talented respectively all-female and male crews.
  • Bust A Groove (Video game franchise. 1998): The two games series by 989 Studios which spanned comprises of a rhythm based gameplay that featured characters with distinctly unique dance styles. The fictional main character, "Heat," former F-1 racer, specializes in breakdancing, while other selectable characters, punk Gas-O and alien twins Capoiera use respectively house and (obviously) Capoiera martial arts.
  • Dance Dance Revolution (Video game franchise. 1998 onwards): As with many of the upbeat progressions of techno and electronica, many of the on-screen characters can be seen breakdancing with each successful commands.
  • Zoolander. (Movie. 2001): On a catwalk, model Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and Hansel (Owen Wilson) engage in a "walk-off," or a mock modeling exhibition which sees both them randomly performing breakdancing moves—notably the Robot, the wallflip, and a few windmills. Later in the film, Hansel uses headspins to kick his enemy's face, an absurd act to which villain Mugatu (Will Ferrell) blurts, "They're breakdance fighting!"
  • Save the Last Dance (Movie. 2001)
  • Days Go By by Dirty Vegas (Music Video. 2002)
  • You Got Served (Movie. 2004): The film essentially centers on street dancing, where two inner-city dancers (played by Omarion Grandberry and Marques Houston) along with their crew, compete in a tournament to regain their pride and money lost in a hasty bet. Though marred by mediocre acting and story plot, the film was praised for high-level choreography and featured world-class breakdancers from California. The movie also popularized the slang term "served."
  • South Park - You Got F'd in the A (Television series. 2004): This episode features a parody to the plot seen in You Got Served.
  • B-boy (videogame) (2006): an upcoming console game which aims at an unadulterated depiction of breakdancing[5]

[editar] El nombre

Some practitioners contest the usage of label "breaker" or "breakdancer" to describe "one who breakdances," preferring to be called b-boys or b-girls. These dancers claimed that the term "break" was overused or had been created by the media as a marketing device.

[editar] Estilo contra Técnica

Multiple stereotypes have emerged in the breakdancing community over the give-and-take relationship between technical footwork and physical prowess. Those who focus on dance steps and fundamental sharpness—but lack upper-body brawn, form, discipline, etc.—are labeled as "style-heads" and specialists of more gymnastics-oriented technique and form—at the cost of charisma and coordinated footwork—are known as "power-heads." Such terms are used colloquially often to classify one's skill, however, the subject has been known to disrupt competitive events where judges tend to favor a certain array of techniques.

[editar] Bandas

It has often been stated that breakdancing replaced fighting between street gangs, though some believe it a misconception that b-boying ever played a part in mediating gang rivalry. These gang roots made breakdancing itself seem controversial in its early history.

[editar] E-boys de Internet

In contrast to subcultural forums, there are Internet b-boys, also known as e-boys' or Otaku b-boys in Japan. These media-savvy individuals are particularly self-taught, mimicking moves seen in video clips, read in instructional text or otherwise acquired from online sources. Some argue against this antisocial behavior, while others defend self-tutoring for the lack of instructors or social circles that can provide the necessary directions needed for learning. Breakdancers of some groups look down upon e-boys as "not having their heart in hip-hop," a subculture based around much social bonding.

[editar] Aplicaciones prácticas

Other critics condemn breakdancing, with its steep learning curve, labeling it as a negative pastime taking time away from societal and individual progression. With few paying jobs available in brea

[editar] Riesgo de lesiones

A menudo el peligo del breakdance es exagerado. Como con cualquier otra actividad de esfuerzo, existe un cierto riesgo de lesions físicas.

[editar] Espectáculos

  • [The Late Show London] - El espectáculo más innovador de breakdance en el Reino Unido, con Jonny B como anfitrión.

[editar] Véase también

[editar] Referencias

  1. NPR Present at the Creation Breakdancing
  2. Entre ellas Battle of the Year y Red Bull BC.
  3. En ingles, break significa rotura, fractura, separación, etc. Como cuando un disco está estropeado, por lo que se le asoció este termino
  4. [http://www.psp411.com/show/product/1163/0/BBoy.html B-boy article at psp411.com]
  5. B-boy article at psp411.com

[editar] Enlaces externos

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