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Usuario Discusión:Thuresson - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Usuario Discusión:Thuresson

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Hola, Thuresson. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español; gracias por participar en el proyecto. Esperamos que la colaboración te resulte agradable y que aproveches tu estancia por aquí.

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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos por aquí. Un saludo desde Letterkenny (Irlanda). George McFinnigan plé 11:26 12 nov 2005 (CET)

Thank you, I don't understand much Spanish but I do understand that. Thuresson 11:40 12 nov 2005 (CET)

Thuresson, I saw that you deleted some Venera images from the Venus page in Spanish because of copyright issues. That is too bad, as the images were (are) very interesting. Do you know who has the copyright to those images? Thanks


It is very likely that the copyright is owned by the Agencia Espacial Federal Rusa. Thuresson 13:22 19 nov 2005 (CET)

Tabla de contenidos

[editar] Hello my friend

I don't understand why did you delete the coat of arms of Zamora Chinchipe from Wikipedia Commons ??. It wasn't a copyright violation because it was sent by email from Ecuador, it wasn't a copy from any Internet website. Please, I ask you to be more cautious the next time when you want to delete any of my images. I would like to know how do you know what that image was a copyright violation. I think what you did to my article was an act of vandalism. --Marcojim 13:32 01 mar 2006 (CET)

I'm sorry, the image was obviously scanned from a book but you tagged the image as "PD-self". Thuresson 17:43 1 mar 2006 (CET)

[editar] HOLA

Porque sacaste la bandera argentina ????. --Ellibriano2 20:21 26 nov 2005 (CET)

[editar] OSCARS: Blake Edwards y Que bien, hablas español

Hola, encantada de conocerte

Si, fue un mal entendido con los Oscars. Lo que no entiendo es porquete mandaron a ti también el correo...

Yo les mande un e-mail, con la solicitud indicando que era para wikipedia y que la licencia debía ser GFDL, pero se ve que no me entendieron bien.

Está fue mi breve pero intensa correspondencia con los oscars

[editar] Mensaje inicial

I write to them asking for permission to them to reproduce the images 022604_blake_05.jpg My intention is to include these images in Wikipedia, a project opened for the creation of a free and multilingual encyclopedia.

Wikipedia was born in 2001, and in only four years of life it counts with hundreds of thousands of articles in tens of languages fruit of the work of thousands of disinterested writers worldwide. They can visit the Castilian version, with about 75,098 articles, in http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portada. The different versions, in more than two hundred languages, add more of a million articles.

I need Blake Edwards' photo in: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blake_Edwards and http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Honor%C3%ADfico

The texts and images of Wikipedia are published under the License of Free Documentation of GNU, well-known like GFDL. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html.

If you agree, I need that you send me an e-mail with the official authorization to place Edwards' photo in wikipedia under GFDL license.

If you want I can leave, in the page of description of the image, an explanatory note ("Image reproduced under the GFDL with the author authorization") and a connection to the original one, but the freedom of use and modification to which the GFDL talks about is essential. This note will not appear in any case in the foot of the image. The image will be connected to its page of description, where it will appear the note and the connection to the original one.

Please, if your policy don´t allow me to use Edwards' photo, also, I will be thankful to you, if you indicate me it, with an e-mail.

Immediately, I appreciate its attention beforehand to them. Kindly,


[editar] Respuesta 1


Dear Mar,

Here is the picture of Blake Edwards that you requested for use in the Blake Edwards entry online for Wikipedia. Please credit the photo "Courtesy of AMPAS®".

Thanks very much. Best,


Aquí pense que me habían autorizado, es más, me mandaron la imagen...

Subo la imagen, les doy las gracias y les digo donde la pueden ver.

[editar] Respuesta 2


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS®) did not give permission to one of your users to post a photo of Blake Edwards and Julie Andrews under the GFDL license on commons.wikimedia.org.

When we were asked we were told the picture was for use on www.wikipedia.org as a reference image and would be credited "Courtesy of AMPAS®." Our legal department has records of all these e-mail correspondences stating that the permission was asked for Wikipedia, not Wikimedia.

Please remove the photo from commons.wikimedia.org.

Thank you very much for following up on this matter.

All best,


Entonces,.... resulta que no... en wikipedia si, en commons no!... O sea, que no, por que wikipedia en español, sigue la política de comons

[editar] Situación actual

Ya me encargé de buscar un bibliotecario (Ana, que es un sol, y, por si acaso, Sanbec, que es otro sol) para que lo borraran. Y ya está el tema solucionado. Todas las imágenes han sido borradas de la base de datos

[editar] Apendice

Voy a borrar partes de tu mensaje, en mi página de discusión, para que no esten las direcciones de correo eléctrónico a la vista.

Gracias, por todo, un saludo Marb 12:59 1 dic 2005 (CET).

[editar] Wellcome

Hi, Thuresson, it's nice to see you here. Thanks for remove the images deleted at Commons. Sanbec 14:23 1 dic 2005 (CET)

[editar] Feliz Navidad

Imagen:Adventskerze.ani.gif Felicitacion Imagen:Adventskerze.ani.gif
¡Feliz Navidad!

Platonides 14:39 25 dic 2005 (CET)

[editar] Partido Comunista de Chile

Hi, Why have you deleted the images I have developed myself using images of low quality and free use? However, the licence is written in spanish, a language you don´t speak nor understand.

Waiting for your soon reply. best regards... --Ariel ¡¡BlaBla!! 23:25 4 may 2006 (CEST)

Thank you for your message. WikiCommons do not accept logos or copyrighted trademarks. The image you refer to was taken from www.pcchile.cl. If you want to upload this image you should get a written permission from the party that anybody can use their logo for any purpose. Thuresson 00:28 5 may 2006 (CEST)
I design this website! —Ariel ¡¡BlaBla!! 00:58 5 may 2006 (CEST)
The website clearly says: "(C) 2006 :: Partido Comunista de Chile", so I suggest you change the (C) to a free license like Creative Commons. Thuresson 01:40 5 may 2006 (CEST)
coño de tu madre porque no borras tus putas fotos suecas! y nos dejas contribuir en paz! --Ariel ¡¡BlaBla!! 01:45 5 may 2006 (CEST)

[editar] commons:Image:Dados_rodillo.jpg

Hi, Thuresson. I've completed the source information needed at the image's description page. We could also contact Sabbut, but he is a trustworthy user, he has only uploaded photographs made by him, and he licensed the image under the GFDL upon request (he initially uploaded it without license plate). He is also the creator of other similar images, such as Image:Dados 4 a 20 caras.jpg. Regards. --Dodo 11:57 2 sep 2006 (CEST)

[editar] Contribuciones

Hola: Veo que tus "contribuciones" consisten en borrar las imagenes que otros suben a Commons para ilustrar los articulos. Sin embargo, muchas de estas imagenes si pueden ser usadas sin problemas en la Wikipedia en ingles, en la cual colaboro mas aun que la Wikipedia en español. Me gustaria saber que es lo que pretendes. No creo que la Wikipedia en español vaya a ser nunca tan grande como la version en Ingles, ya que apenas alcanza a ser un 10 % de esta. Saludos. Espero tu pronta respuesta. User:Cana7cl

Thank you for your message. WikiCommons only allows images that are released under a "free license", eg. public domain, GFDL, Creative Commons or a similar license. This means photos that anybody can use for any purpose. However, there are many users from Spanish Wikipedia that upload an incredible amount of garbage, copyright violations and photos they have stolen from a web site. All these images must be deleted.
As a service to Spanish Wikipedia, I voluntarily remove deleted images from the articles. If you are upset about current policy of Spanish Wikipedia, I kindly suggest you to read Wikipedia:Política de uso de imágenes and Wikipedia:Votaciones/2006/Cambiar políticas y reglas de uso de imágenes and then present your arguments for a change. Regards, Thuresson 10:42 21 oct 2006 (CEST)
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Static Wikipedia 2006 (no images)

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