In the mid-1800s, the Melodrama phenomenon exploded throughout Europe: wide-ranging stories and music, and strong elaborations of complex dramas or funny or sentimental plots, with an intense nationalistic value (the Nation States were born).
Alongside this great and important musical production, in Italy, the phenomenon Canzone developed. These works are strongly concentrated on catchiness, not linked to complex stories, but to moments of life, to fleeting sensations and – above all – short pieces to be used outside the great theaters.


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Su gentile concessione dell’esecutore pubblichiamo le “Sei suites per violoncello solo” di Johann Sebastian Bach nei formati MP3, OGG, AAC, WMA, WAV, FLAC, M4A. L’opera completa è disponibile anche come archivio RAR ai seguenti link: 1.rar 225.444.453 07/11/2023 22:38 2.rar 263.502.733 07/11/2023 22:38 3.rar 320.318.886 07/11/2023 22:39 4.rar 285.859.236 07/11/2023 22:39 5.rar 400.839.931 07/11/2023 22:40 […]

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