Scientology-linked drug rehab

*Scientology-linked UK drug rehab left vulnerable people “traumatised”.*

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Biden and Palestine

Biden seems to have in mind a deal for diplomatic recognition of Palestine. But it faces many obstacles, and probable obstruction by Republicans
under orders from the wrecker is not the biggest of them.

I don’t think the US can wait several months to stop supporting the
killing of tens of thousands of civilians in Gaza, not even to achieve
the hoped-for progress.

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(Satire) Russian Roulette

(satire) *NRA Narrows Search For New Leadership With Round Of Russian

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Exxon suing to silence shareholders

After Exxon’s lawsuit against the shareholders’ motion made by climate defenders, they dropped the motion.

I suspect that defending the suit would have cost too much for those
climate defenders. For Exxon, with its billions, suing is cheap.

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Federal shield law

there is bipartisan support for a federal shield law to protect
journalists and their sources

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Forest fire

Forest fire has invaded the city of Viña del Mar, Chile, just north of
I asked a friend there if he is ok.

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Bullying and brainwashing

Putin’s henchmen are bullying and brainwashing the kidnapped Ukrainian
. Ukraine has the name of around 20,000 kidnapped children,
but there are probably much more.

There are strange variations in how Russians treat kidnapped children
and the Ukrainian relatives who search for them. I theorize that he
has not systematically informed all Russians of what he is trying to
do, and not given everyone orders to cooperate. The result seems to
be that individual Russians who deal with these children react
to events according to their views and values.

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Bullshit about Ukrainian prisoners

Much of what Putin says about Ukrainian prisoners is bullshit. Some
could be true, but we can’t be sure of any of it on his say-so.

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Republicans and abortion laws

Mississippi Republicans want to make it impossible to repeal abortion
through a vote by the public.

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Do-Dirty advocating secession

Reportedly, former president Do-Dirty of the Philippines is advocating
of the large island, Mindanao.

Do-Dirty was elected for the fame he got by running a “war on drugs”
in which official thugs killed people on the street, then claimed they
were drug dealers
. Some were really drug dealers and some were not.
Without putting them on trial, the thugs had no way of knowing.

The article makes the error of describing Mindanao as a “town”. I am
not very confident about the rest of what it says, but I have no other

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Underwater curtain

*A 100km-long curtain moored to the Amundsen Sea bed in Antarctica could
prevent catastrophic flooding elsewhere, say scientists.*

I can see things that might fail, but it may be worth a try.

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Urgent: Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act

US citizens: call on Congress to pass the Tax Excessive CEO Pay Act.

This would not do as much good as raising taxes generally on high
incomes together with limiting the ability to shelter large amounts of
wealth from taxation. We should continue to push for that as what we
really want.

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